The One Addicted

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Book: The One Addicted by Alexandra North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexandra North
onto my shoulder and back to my needy breasts and on a sigh I whisper, “I know.” I want to be with him all day, every day.      Gazing up at me he smiles seductively. “Give me some time and I’ll arrange it.” Then thrusts his tongue deep within my mouth, wrapping his fingers in my hair and curling me into his body. I open myself, and my body, to this difficult, complicated, wonderful man and moan in rapture as I feel him slip inside me. Then the moment changes as he plunges into me, slow slow, hard, slow slow hard, then faster and faster, as I match his rhythm, desperate to meet his demands and reach my own end goal. I can’t think of anything but him and the connection we are sharing together. The feeling of him inside me is more than intimate, I feel like he is touching my very essence and can’t control the single tear that escapes and trickles down the side of my face.      “I love you.” I love you. Always.       “You and me - together again at last.”

    “You’re very quiet, lady - everything ok?”  
    I’m snuggled into Sebastian’s chest, tracing patterns across the light dusting of hair there, whilst staring into space, my mind clogged with total head-fuck. I’ve been quiet as a mouse since we’d settled down after our third sex session. “I’m fine.” I lie openly.
    “Ah, the old I’m fine line. I really am up shit creek without a paddle then.”  
    My heart squeezes tighter and I know if I don’t get out of this room soon, I’ll cry. Today had been amazing and I truly believed everything he’d explained to me about the party but I still couldn’t relax. I’d fallen too deep, too fast and he hadn’t - either that or he hadn’t caught up to my pace. I’m left with the decision to go with my gut and appease my sexual cravings or walk away, fences mended and bodies satisfied.
    “Hey? Lulu?” He lifts my chin and holds it there, imprisoning me to his locked eyes. “Talk to me.”
    I sigh, releasing the breath I’ve been holding and pull away from him, pushing myself up to lean against the headboard, drawing the sheets to cover my modesty.
    “Leave the sheet! I love your body - I’ve missed your tits.”
    I pull the sheet tighter in defiance and his teeth flash at my stubbornness, which drags a smirk from me and causes my nipples to pucker, hardening through the white sheet. His eyes immediately drop to them. “Hello you two?”
    “I’d better get dressed. I’ve tons to do to ready this place for Saturday’s soiree. I’m supposed to be decorating the rooms not stripping in them.” I turn away and locate my panties on the carpet next to me, slip them on and leave the warmth of the bed. I can feel his gaze all over my body as I dress with my back to him, and I feel myself dampen at the though of him lying naked, waiting and watching me. I can’t turn round - if I did I’d never get dressed again.
    “Lu, baby talk to me.”
    Ok here goes. “So what about the rules - how do we play this from hereon out?”


    “What rules?”
    “The FBR’s - where do we go from here?”
    I can feel her beginning to retract, back into her shell, now that she’s slipped from the bed and nearly fully clothed. Back to normality I suppose, whatever that is? Normal is not a word I would ever use in conjunction with our fucking. There is no bastard way that she is going to erect those barriers between us again, not if I want to prove to her that she can trust me. Not if I want to continue whatever good thing we have going. I can tell she is scared and so am I.  
    If I’m honest I’m scared shitless!
    I   don’t really know how I feel other than I can’t spend another week like the last one; it had been torture. We need the full month together, as we agreed to get whatever itch we have out of our systems and then we can see where we are.  
    Even though you know she loves you? Even though you know it will never be enough - you dick.  
    I’m not sure she does

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