The One Left Behind (The One Series)

The One Left Behind (The One Series) by Lena Nicole Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The One Left Behind (The One Series) by Lena Nicole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lena Nicole
me to remember Colin and get back on track with moving in with him and planning a wedding, and every day that goes by I let them down. I am a constant let down.” I rub my eyes with the heels of my hands.
    Colby pulls me out of the hug so she can look at me. “Addison you are not letting anyone down. You didn’t ask for any of this. The accident, the memory loss, nothing. You are not hurting anyone. If anything, we all hurt for you because we can’t do anything to fix this. All we can do is sit back and wait for something to happen.”
    “Colby, I hurt Colin. My mom invited him over the same day I got home from the hospital and it was all too much. I agreed to let him share some of his memories, or I guess I should say our memories. He thought maybe it would help jog something in my memory but all it did was freak me out. I told him I couldn’t move in with him and we needed a break. I didn’t even sugar coat it. I just spit it out. If that wasn’t bad enough, it took my mother, of all people, to make me realize he is struggling with this as much as I am. After speaking with her, I realized I didn’t even give Colin a chance. No offers of a friendship, nothing. I just let him leave and left it at that.” I look down and start plucking at the fabric of my pants.
    “Addison, I’m sure Colin understands. He loves you.” She puts her hand on my knee to reassure me.
    Still looking down, I shake my head, “You didn’t see the hurt in his eyes, Colby. And I’m the one who put that look there and I need to make it right. After talking with Pierce, I decided I need to take control of this situation and I’m going to start by meeting Colin for lunch and asking if we can try being friends. Hopefully, he can forgive me and give me the chance to at least try and be a good friend to him. And when my memories come back, maybe this will make us stronger.”
    “Colin loves you and he would forgive you in… wait a minute. Who is Pierce?” She perks up at the mention of Pierce who I have failed to mention until now. I’ve been so wrapped up with everything going on I didn’t even realize I haven’t told Colby about my meeting with Pierce.
    “Oh, I guess I didn’t get around to telling you that yet. Well, after me and my mom finished dinner last night, I needed to clear my head. So I went down to the beach to catch the sunset and relax a little. I was going over everything my mom had said and trying to make sense of all of this hoping a memory, any memory, would come back.”
    I continue to tell her about Pierce and how he gave me the penny and how he lost his father in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. I also tell her how he convinced me to deal with what life gave me and take charge of the unknown instead of running from it. I have to embrace it. Plus, it was nice being able to talk to someone who had no connection to the situation. I also inform her that he gave me his card if I ever needed to talk.
    “So let me get this straight. I spend most of my life trying to get you to relax and go with the flow, and it only takes this Pierce guy one conversation to actually convince you to do it? I like him already.” She gives a small grin and nudges my shoulder.
    “I would hardly call it relaxing, Cole. I’m just trying to make the best of the shitty hand I was dealt.”
    “Can I ask you a question though?” She has a pinched look on her face like she might not want to say what she’s going to say.
    “Have you ever thought of what happens if your memory doesn’t come back? I mean I know there’s no time frame on this and you can’t rush them, but what if they are lost for good?” She gives me a sympathetic look as I take in her question.
    “I never really thought about that. I’m just going to have to take it one day at a time.”
    And with that said, I push that unpleasant thought aside. Honestly, the thought that I might not ever remember scares me. I might be putting on a brave face right

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