The Onyx Vial (Shadows of The Nine Book 1)

The Onyx Vial (Shadows of The Nine Book 1) by Alexis Lampley Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Onyx Vial (Shadows of The Nine Book 1) by Alexis Lampley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexis Lampley
of an invisible mug.
    “I'm Tehya's older brother,” he added, not seeming to notice Hunter's hesitation effortlessly gripping and curling Hunter's fingers into the curve of his own.
    A cupped handshake. Easy enough. “I figured as much,” Hunter replied, nodding toward the dark red hair William shared with his sister.
    William gave a little laugh in response
    The muscular boy at the other end of the table, with his wavy golden mop of hair, flashed Hunter a lopsided, mischievous grin. “You're new.”
    Hunter shrugged and nodded, but wondered, New to what ?
    “Hunter, this is Perry,” Tehya said in a rush, her eyes darting to the stairs.
    Perry's grin widened to a smile, and he prodded a finger at the leaner, slightly older version of himself two chairs to the right. “That's my brother. Though you'll only hear me admit it once.”
    His brother snatched at Perry's finger and shot a wink at Hunter. “I'm Grant.”
    The mousey-looking, raven-haired boy ducking beneath the arms of the brothers pushed himself  out of his chair and stood as tall as his—couldn't be more than five foot four—stature would allow. “I'm Dilyn," he said, peeking around the one boy who had yet to acknowledge Hunter's presence with even a glance.
    But then that boy, too, lifted a pale hand, and ran it through his even paler hair as he said, “Finn,” in a voice that seemed bored by itself.
    “How long was she here before we arrived?” Tehya addressed her brother, clearly impatient with the introductions.
    William shook his head. “Not sure. She must have gone straight to Father's studio door. So many people have been doing that these days, I don't even hear the bell anymore. She didn't come down until you were on our street.”
    “Surprised the Helede out of us,” Grant added.
    “I'm going to check on Ariana,” Tehya said. “Make yourself comfortable, Hunter. I'm sure the boys can make room for you in their game. Can't you?” she asked the group.
    There was a smattering of ascension and Hunter's eyes drew toward the tabletop for the first time. Little blocks and cylinders the width of a finger or thumb, depending on the game piece, were scattered over a familiar playing area.
    He brightened and exclaimed, “Kings!” recognizing the blocks and cylinders as kubbs and batons.
    Finn turned to him, more interest in his ghostly grey eyes. “You play?”
    “All the time,” he answered.
    Just then, a bubble seeped from the middle of the birch-white wood. It knocked over a game piece before freeing itself from the table. Another quickly followed. Hunter stared.
    “Aaaand the post wins!” Perry declared, eyeing the fallen King.
    The bubbles drifted lazily in Hunter's direction. And then, to his surprise, they diverged and glided purposefully toward Grant and William. The boys, unfazed by this, each reached out and popped the bubble in front of them. The moment their fingers touched them, the shimmering orbs disintegrated in oily strands and two fat envelopes plopped onto the table.
    Hunter gawked. The post! So this was how Ionians communicated. Grandpa had never mentioned it. He'd never really focused on the everyday magic when he'd told Hunter stories of this place. A swirling knot of excitement and curiosity rose in his throat. There was so much to learn. As scared and lost as he was, he was also incredibly excited.
    The boys grabbed their envelopes. Grant stuffed his in the back pocket of his pants, while William quickly tore into his and pulled out several sheets of paper, dense with ink. “Perfect,” he said. “I'm going to look this over and compare it to my schedule. Hunter, take my place in the game while I'm gone?”
    Hunter shook the awe off his face and nodded. “Sure."
    "Should probably let father know he's got another student, too, if Tehya hasn't already." William headed up the stairs. 
    Hunter shoved away the questions William's comment spawned in his mind, and let himself focus on something fun. If only for a

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