The Other Side of Darkness

The Other Side of Darkness by Melody Carlson Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Other Side of Darkness by Melody Carlson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Carlson
don’t think she’s ever lied to me.
    “Dennis confronted Glenn about the harshness of his ‘word of knowledge’ rebukes, and Glenn got mad and really lashed into poor Dennis.”
    I frown. Pressing my lips tightly together, I consider reminding her that Dennis is far from perfect. I happen to know that he plays poker with his friends from work and that, even worse, beer is served. Colleen knows all about this, but she doesn’t seem to care. Iwouldn’t be surprised if that’s the reason Pastor Glenn reprimanded Dennis. Still, I don’t say anything. I don’t want to hurt her feelings.
    “Anyway, Dennis met with some of the elders last week. He told them that either Glenn goes or we do.”
    “Really?” I blink. “You’d leave the church?”
    “And we’d take the kids out of school too. I’m so glad we’re paying tuition by the month. I can’t believe you paid the year in advance, Ruth. I hope you’re not sorry.”
    I don’t know what to say. And now her twins are bouncing around their SUV, yelling and swinging their backpacks at each other like a couple of hoodlums. Maybe the apples don’t fall too far from the tree.
    My girls are approaching now, and I can tell by Mary’s expression that it hasn’t been a good day. “I better get going.”
    “Call me!” Colleen climbs into her SUV, loudly telling her boys to buckle up and shut up.
    I feel embarrassed for my friend. Despite giving her heart to the Lord so many years ago, she still has a few rough edges. And her distrust and dislike of Pastor Glenn comes as no surprise. She was terribly upset when Pastor John retired a few years ago. She’s never given poor Pastor Glenn a chance. Still, this insurrection comes as news to me. Oh, I knew that some people’s noses were out of joint for the public rebukes, but I had no idea it had gone this far. As the girls get into the van, I make a mental note to call Cynthia to mention this to her.
    “I hate our new school,” Mary says as I exit the church parking lot.
    “Me too,” echoes Sarah.
    “It’s just going to take some time. You have to be patient. It’s only been a little more than a month, and things are still new.” Then Ibegin to quote to them from 1 Corinthians 13. “Love is patient and kind. It is not jealous or boastful … or arrogant or rude.” Even as I recite these words, I feel some personal conviction. But more than that I feel offended by Colleen’s unjust judgment of Pastor Glenn. What right does she have to judge him?
    I call Cynthia as soon as I get home. Trying to avoid sounding like a gossipmonger, I convey my concern over some of the rumors circulating through the church. But I don’t mention Colleen’s name.
    “Oh, trust me, I’m well aware of this problem. As is Pastor Glenn. This is part of the reason for our new outreach ministry. Pastor Glenn feels we need to bring new blood into the church. We need fresh people with fresh ideas and, most of all, open minds. We want people who are willing to let the Spirit move, even if it gets uncomfortable at times. You know, the Lord doesn’t want to make us comfortable. He wants to push us onward and forward, pressing us into his glorious image, making us perfect even as our Father in heaven is perfect.”
    “Yes!” I say with enthusiasm. “That’s just how I feel too. That’s what I want in my own life.”
    “I know. And that’s why you’re part of our team, Ruth. We need you.”
    “And I’ll get right to the phoning.”
    “Good for you,” she says. “May the Lord bless your conversations!”
    So while Mary and Sarah play outside, dressing up our golden retriever, Sadie, in some of Sarah’s old baby clothes, I start making calls. And I find that if I do the same lines each time, the lines Pastor Glenn wrote out for me, I’m okay. But if I deviate in any way, I get lost and confused. When I first started, I dropped my notes one time and got so flustered that I actually had to hang up on a woman.Thankfully, I

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