them demanded.
“Trust me, you will get to know him very well before we get out of here, but it’s not time to talk about him yet,” I said, as emphatically as I could to try to discourage more questions about him. It didn’t work.
“That wasn’t the Lord, was it?” one elderly lady chimed in.
“No.” I assured her.
“Was it an angel?” another asked.
“I hate to disappoint you, but he is not an angel. I will tell you as much as I can at the right time, if he does not do it himself,” I said as firmly as I could without being rude.
“I was listening to your conversation as I caught up with you. One of the most important purposes of this wilderness is to forge the greatest fellowship we can have on earth— koinonia. ”
“What is that?” William asked.
“It is the Greek word used in The Bible for fellowship or communion, which means common-union. However, this is much more than the kind of fellowship or friendships we have in this world. Koinonia is a bonding together like the members of our body into a single, greater unit that are inseparable. It implies a bonding so deep that if we were separated it would be like having a member of your body cut off. We will have to become that close for what we are entering into. We will perish in this wilderness without it.
“As vital as this is, it is not something that we can just manufacture. We can help the process by keeping in mind that we must have this, and therefore, refuse to let anything divide us. However, there are two basic things that will forge us together as we must be. The first will be the process of experiencing this wilderness together. The second, and even more important, is growing in our love for the Lord so much that we love Him more than our own life. Then, we will always treat even the least of His people as we would treat Him, knowing how important this is to Him.
“These are the things that lead to koinonia . As we are told in I John 1:7, ‘ If we abide in the light as He is in the light, we have koinonia and the blood of Jesus will cleanse us from all sin .’ It is written that ‘ the life is in the blood ,’ and we must have koinonia for the life of Christ to flow through His body, just as the members of our body must all be connected for the life-blood to flow through them.
“For you to already be as close as you are you must have begun to taste this in your small groups on the ship. There was already such a bond that all who were experiencing it on the ship came on this journey. This place will cause you to bond even deeper. Treasure these times. Never take them for granted. Such an experience is becoming rare in Christianity, but it is essential for the fullness of Christ to be revealed through His people.”
“This is not such a bad place, but I don’t think I would want to go anywhere like this alone. Why did you go alone?” one of them asked.
“I couldn’t find anyone at the time to go with me. That is why it was so much harder for me than it needed to be, and why I didn’t get very far,” I confessed.
“What do you mean you did not get very far? I thought you made it through this wilderness before,” Mary spoke up.
“I have been to the mountain before, but I got there a different way. I have actually been through quite a few wildernesses though, but this one is different. All of the others seem to have just been training for this one. I only made it part of the way before I was taken back to the beginning to help you.”
“That must have been hard,” someone said. “Having to go back and get us after already getting through part of it.”
“It was discouraging at first, but I am already thankful. I may need you more than you need me. We need each other, and it will always be easier with others,” I began. “The fellowship and adventure we will experience here will make even life on the luxury cruise ship seem boring and insignificant.”
Then a voice I did not recognize began to speak from behind me:
Steam Books, Sandra Sinclair