The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family)

The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family) by Beverly Preston Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family) by Beverly Preston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Preston
filled kiss. The smooth warm demand of his tongue took her breath away. She clutched so tightly to the stem of her wine glass, she feared shattering it.
    Taking his time, Giovanni laid out an unhurried execution of deliberate nips and kisses to her neck. The stubble of his beard raked across the tender skin of her throat. The pleasure of it so maddening, Tracy’s mouth dropped open releasing a low moan. With a murmur, he took the glass from her clenched fingers, setting it in the sand beside them.
    Rising to her knees, Tracy leaned forward, molding herself to the contours of his body. Disarmed by the magnitude of desire growing inside, her fists balled at her sides as she trembled all over.
    Giovanni stroked down the length of her arms gathering her wrists in his hands and guiding them over his shoulders. Cradling the underneath of her jaw, he took her mouth again. Their tongues mingled in an all-consuming kiss, silky and wet. Firmly grasping the nape of his neck, she extended the kiss, searching with urgency to get closer. He responded with slow penetrating licks of his tongue, so masterfully implemented they stole the air from her lungs.
    Tracy tore her mouth fro m his, panting shamefully. A cool breeze swept between them bringing needed relief. Giovanni brought a hand to the small of her back, fingers widespread locking her hips to his abdomen. She arched, lifting her chin to the star-filled sky. Her chest lifted with each labored breath. “Holy shit.”
    “Sei cosi bella, Amore Mio.” He showered her with compliments of her beauty, passing his thumb over the damp hallow of her throat.
    She opened her mouth to say something, to say anything, but all she could muster was, “Oh my God , you’re such a good kisser.”
    A smug surprised grin tugged at the corner of his mouth.
    Unable to keep her wits about her, she rambled on deliriously. “I mean seriously? I’ve never been kissed like that. Do you always kiss this way? Is it just me or was that ama—“
    Giovanni ’s laughter echoed up the side of the cliff. He yanked her into his lap, nuzzling the crook of her neck. He trailed silken kisses over her shoulder before gently sinking his teeth into her shoulder with a low groan.
    A sweet ache deepened between her thighs and she squirmed in his lap. Every hair on her body stood at attention as a blistering rush of arousal trampled through her core. Tracy strained, pointing her toes and clamping her knees together.
    Releasing her flesh from his teeth, Giovanni replaced it with sweet kisses to her collarbone. “Please tell me you are just beginning your vacation?”
    Swathed in somberness, Tracy’s heartbeat stilled. “I leave tomorrow.” Melancholy riddled her tone.
    A dark frown shadowed his eyes. His face averted and she could see his throat jump when he swallowed hard.
    “ I visit every summer,” she continued anxiously, incapable of hiding the hint of distress in her voice. Tracy had never experienced a man like Giovanni and the thought of never seeing him again devastated her. She’d received more passion from one kiss than she’d ever enjoyed during sex. Her lids fluttered at the mere notion of how incredible sex would be with Giovanni. No, no, no. You can’t have sex with him on the first date. “But, I could come back sooner.”
    She felt the moist heat of his breath fan across her face. I ntense vibrations of desire rippled through his hand as he caressed the side of her neck.
    “I mean, if you want to see me again. I would…if you’d like. I start school next week, but I could fly back to see you in a few—“
    His mouth sought hers. The restrained slowness that permeated his first kisses, now changed to hunger. His tongue sank deeper, the firm articulation greedy and deliberate. The pace grinding, feasting off her mouth in such a sensual rhythm it shot pleasure to the tender area in the pit of her stomach.
    He drew back and she whimpered in complaint. Tracy turned her face, embarrassed of the

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