The Precipice

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Book: The Precipice by Penny Goetjen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penny Goetjen
started pacing around the room. She could think better on her feet.
    “Vera. We can work separately first, and then get together to hash through some ideas. Our time could be better spent if we came up with some original concepts on our own.” Uh-oh. Elizabeth was afraid she had just overstepped an invisible line.Was Vera worried she wouldn’t come up with anything fresh?“I can fax you what I come up with from here.” She was throwing her a bone. Would she grab it or leave it right where it had landed?
    “…Alright, but I want you to keep in touch. Jack is already asking to meet with us again. He particularly wants to talk with you about this. I’ll give him your cell number so you can consult with him while you are away. But you take care of whatever it is that your grandmother needs taking care of and get right back here. Keep in mind you can always hire someone to take care of a lot of things. And let me know when you will be back.”
    Her voice was still firm and demanding, but she seemed to be softening a bit. Maybe she was beginning to realize how unreasonable she was being. There was no need to be so bent out of shape and to treat her like this. No wonder she had trouble keeping staff. Elizabeth wondered whyshe put up with her.She hung up and rubbed her forehead with her hand. Her head was throbbing. She threw her phone onto the flowered coverlet that was bunched up on the bed and shook her head.
    The bright spot of the morning was the brilliant sunshine spilling in through the windows. The sun always lifted her spirits; she couldn’t wait to get outside. Perhaps she would take her sketch pad on a walk down to the lighthouse. Then she remembered the inn’s famous brunch and Amelia’s French toast. The lighthouse would have to wait.
    A knock at the door startled Elizabeth, but was followed by a familiar voice. She smiled and let Rashelle in. She was carrying a tray laden with covered dishes and a vase with a long stemmed yellow rose from Amelia’s garden.
    “Breakfast, sleepy head!”
    “Oh, Rashelle. Thanks. You didn’t have—”
    “Well, of course I did. Brunch only runs for twenty more minutes and I knew you wouldn’t want to miss the French toast.”
    Rashelle carried the tray over to the windows and placed it on the small table with a floral tablecloth on it that did not match the floral bedspread. Elizabeth glanced at the clock next to the bed and noticed it was later than she realized. “Ten-forty! How did it get to be that late?”
    “Yeah, Amelia has been asking for you. I think she wants to see you as soon as you can get downstairs.” Rashelle offered no details, but scurried out the door under the guise of returning to work.
    Breakfast tasted even better than she had remembered. She savored every bite, while watching the sea gulls circling outside the window. They were mesmerizing. She had a front row seat to the ocean. After finishing the very last morsel of her scrumptious meal, Elizabeth pulled herself away from nature‘s performance and made her way to the bathroom. She showered quickly, left her bed looking like she had just rolled out of it and went in search of her grandmother.
    On her way out the front door of the inn, Elizabeth noticed there were two squad cars parked on the circular driveway. Chief Austin must be back to continue the search for the girl. She headed in the direction of the garden, a half-acre plot located twenty-five yards behind the main building of the inn and surrounded by a white picket fence. An oversized gate on the side facing the inn enabled the roto-tiller to pass through the opening for the spring tilling. Elizabeth was pleased to find her grandmother puttering busily in her garden. Amelia looked up as her granddaughter reached the gate and smiled warmly. She took off her gardening gloves and placed them next to the basket she was using to collect herbs and squash, but left her wide-brimmed rattan hat on her head, meeting Elizabeth at the

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