The Princess of Denmark

The Princess of Denmark by Edward Marston Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Princess of Denmark by Edward Marston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Edward Marston
each,’ said Nicholas, ‘but she still does not compare with you, Anne. You have one crucial advantage over Sigbrit Olsen.’
    ‘And what is that?’
    ‘I can see you as you really are – a lovely woman in the prime of life with virtues too numerous to name. All that I know of Lord Westfield’s bride is what I gleaned from her portrait. Limners can be deceptive,’ he pointed out. ‘And they are there to please their clients.’
    ‘You mean that they will hide any blemishes?’
    ‘And enhance any finer points of a countenance.’
    ‘This lady still has considerable charm,’ said Anne. ‘The most artful hand cannot turn an ugly face into a beauteous one. What does she know of the man she has agreed to marry?’
    ‘Only what her uncle has told her. The match has been arranged by him and by a man whom our patron engaged to find a suitable bride.’
    ‘So she had not seen a portrait of Lord Westfield?’
    ‘No, Anne. She is taking him on trust.’
    ‘Then she is in for an unpleasant surprise,’ she said. ‘Of the two of them, Sigbrit Olsen is getting by far the worst of the bargain.’
    ‘We shall see,’ said Nicholas tolerantly. ‘All thatconcerns me is that we have been rescued from idleness by this marriage. More to the point, it enables me to spend more time with you.’
    ‘How so?’
    ‘I thought that you would sail for Amsterdam alone.’
    ‘I still intend to do so. I’ve promised to visit Jacob’s family and I will not let them down. My plan is to leave next week.’
    ‘Stay your hand and we may sail together. A ship that sails for Denmark is likely to visit the Low Countries as well. Indeed, I’ll make sure that it does before I commit us as passengers.’ He smiled fondly. ‘Would you rather go with or without me?’
    ‘You know the answer to that,’ she said, touching his arm. ‘There’s nobody I would rather have beside me. You are a good sailor, Nick. I am not. You have voyaged around the whole world. All that I managed to do was to sail across the North Sea.’
    ‘That, too, can have its perils.’
    ‘Then I’ll gladly share them with you.’
    He put an arm around her and she nestled into his shoulder. Dappled by the shadows thrown by the candles, they sat there in restful silence for a long time. Nicholas’s memory was then jogged.
    ‘How is Preben?’ he asked.
    ‘Still pretending that there is nothing wrong with him.’
    ‘He looked as pale as death when I saw him.’
    ‘That stone all but knocked him senseless,’ said Anne, ‘and he lost a lot of blood. He was so upset that I should see him like that.’
    ‘Did you report what happened?’
    ‘Yes, Nick. We gave that document to a constable and charged him to pass it on to the authorities. They will be as angry as we were by that message of hatred. Steps will be taken to find the culprits.’
    ‘There have been no arrests so far.’
    ‘The villains have been too cunning.’
    ‘Then a trap needs to be set for them.’
    ‘It’s not your place to get involved, Nick.’
    ‘I gave Preben my word,’ he said.
    ‘And it caused him great disquiet,’ said Anne. ‘To have anyone acting on his behalf only distresses him. Preben would prefer that the whole matter was forgotten.’
    ‘His head was cracked open. Retribution is due.’
    ‘Humour him, please. For his sake, do not pursue the matter. We had a shock this morning and we are over it now. With so much to do before you leave for Denmark, you will not have time to go to the Dutch Churchyard.’
    ‘I’ll find the time somehow.’
    ‘What is the point?’ she said. ‘Your chances of success are very slim. It may well be that what we saw was the last of these libels against strangers. Those who put them there know the dire penalties that they face. I think that they will be frightened away.’
    The watchmen plodded along side by side in the dark like two old carthorses pulling a heavy load. Broad Street was no less noisome by night than by day. A compound of

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