The Quality of Mercy

The Quality of Mercy by David Roberts Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Quality of Mercy by David Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Roberts
. Helmut said I made him look a fool – that I was nothing better than a whore.’
    ‘So why did he not divorce you?’
    ‘He thought about it but then he began to be proud of my – what is the word? – my notoriety. Instead of shunning me, his friends and business acquaintances wanted to meet me. Then, when we went to America, we met Mr Mayer on the boat and he offered me a film contract. I saw this as a way of escape but, as I told you, Helmut won’t let me go.’ She shrugged and, for no good reason, Edward felt himself condemned as a failure. In that little gesture she conveyed that she had sought a ‘parfait gentil knight’ and found instead a man of straw.
    At that moment there was a noise and Harry burst through the french windows.
    ‘Come on, sir. Frank says you must watch us ride the motorbikes. We’re going to have a race. Lord Louis has a wizard new Kodak cine camera. He’s going to film us.’ He dashed off in high excitement without waiting for an answer.
    ‘We’re coming. Let’s go downstairs, Joan. I must make sure the boys don’t kill themselves. My brother would never forgive me. He thinks I’m irresponsible enough as it is.’
    On the gravel the boys stood beside two motorcycles. Edward began to feel apprehensive. These were not little pop-pop machines but something much more serious. Frank was standing beside a Harley Davidson, gleaming red and black and promising all kinds of trouble.
    ‘I say, Frank, old lad, is this wise? This looks a powerful animal. Are you sure you can ride it?’
    ‘Don’t worry, Uncle. I rode bikes at Cambridge and in America. Anyway, we’re only going a few hundred yards, just to give Harry a bit of excitement. He’s a nice boy and he’s determined to have a go.’ Frank tried to sound superior but failed.
    ‘You’re not just showing off in front of . . .’ Edward indicated Sunita with a nod of his head.
    ‘Uncle, you can be so patronizing sometimes,’ Frank said sharply. ‘I’m not a child.’
    ‘Sorry,’ Edward mumbled, ashamed of himself.
    Frank smiled and forgave him. ‘I’m so glad you introduced me to Lord Louis. He’s a man I could follow, if you understand me. He says I ought to join the RNVR. He’s told me who to go and see in London. He says the navy needs people like me. Do you think he means it?’
    For a blessed moment, Frank had forgotten his pose of the languid man-about-town bored with everything and become an eager boy again.
    ‘I’m sure he wouldn’t say it if he didn’t mean it.’ Edward prayed he was right.
    Everyone was milling about admiring the machines and offering unwanted advice. Mountbatten came up to them. ‘Ready then, boys? Just to the end of the drive, but be careful.’ He tapped the saddle of the Harley Davidson. ‘This beauty can do ninety miles an hour.’
    ‘I say, is it safe?’ Sunny inquired, meaning his son’s machine.
    ‘Of course it’s safe,’ Mountbatten said forcefully, misunderstanding. He stood back and admired it. ‘It’s called the Knucklehead because of its bulging rocker boxes and I think it’s the handsomest machine they’ve yet built.’
    ‘He meant Harry,’ Ayesha corrected him.
    ‘You mean the Rudge? Don’t you worry, my dear. Safe as houses.’
    Harry was astride a Rudge Ulster – an altogether smaller machine than the Harley Davidson but still capable of doing seventy miles an hour on the flat – and his parents had every reason to look anxious.
    ‘You will be careful, won’t you, Harry,’ Ayesha was saying. ‘Promise me not to go fast or I’ll tell Dickie you can’t ride at all.’
    Edward noted her easy use of Mountbatten’s nickname.
    ‘Oh, don’t fuss, Mummy,’ the boy said impatiently. ‘I’ve ridden it a bit already. It’s no more difficult than riding a bike.’
    ‘Right, boys,’ Mountbatten said. ‘I’m going to the end of the drive in the car so I can film you coming towards me. When you pass the car, that’s the end of the race. And, Harry, you

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