The Rattler (Rattler Trilogy Book 1)

The Rattler (Rattler Trilogy Book 1) by P. A. Fielding Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Rattler (Rattler Trilogy Book 1) by P. A. Fielding Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. A. Fielding
gone cold.” Jim walked back into the bedroom. All went
quiet again.

7: The house
has history
little while later the room was finally finished. Jim stood in the doorway and
admired his handiwork. “Bathroom’s next,” he sighed, walking into the room
opposite. All the bathrooms in the house were decorated the same, with a yellow
bathroom suite, a wooden airing cupboard, and a black and white squared vinyl
floor. As he entered the room the washbasin taps started running. “Looks like
the seals have gone in the taps. That’s the first problem noted,” said Jim,
turning them off tightly.
then bent down to look at the toilet, and lifted the lid of the cistern. “No
wonder it wouldn’t flush, it’s bloody empty. Wonder if there are any leaks?” he
said, kneeling down to inspect the toilet base and underneath the cistern.
Suddenly, a cold shiver tingled his spine. “Someone’s
dancing the Conga over my grave,” he muttered. The temperature on the landing
fell sharply and, unseen by Jim, a black shadow glided past the bathroom door.
got up, walked down the stairs and out into a good-sized, badly-overgrown
garden, where he saw two dripping overflow pipes. “I should’ve had this checked
and repaired last week while the builders were in.”
was now mid-afternoon and Jim was washing out the brushes and roller in the
kitchen sink. He heard the front door opening. “Hello?” shouted Mary, “it’s
only us.”
in the kitchen,” replied Jim, “I’ll put the kettle on.” Mary and James came in,
laden with carrier bags which they emptied onto the centre island. “How was
your day? Did you manage to finish the painting?”
thanks. Painting’s done and the furniture can go in tomorrow once it’s properly
would I do without you?” smiled Mary, kissing him on the cheek. “Any luck with
the bathroom?”
had a quick look and there was no water in the cistern so that must mean the
water inlet valve needs replacing. I can stop the leak ‘til we get the plumber
in, hopefully next week. Come on, I’ll show you what I’ve done.”
and Mary headed up the stairs to the second floor. “Oh my! It’s cold up here,” said Mary, hugging her arms. “I’ve had the windows open all
afternoon, to let the smell of paint out.”
looks great, Jim. What a difference a coat of paint makes. Your dad would be
proud,” said Mary, affectionately. The couple were walking down the stairs when
Zoe came in with her shopping bags. “Hi love,” said Mary, “Vana not with you?”
guys,” replied Zoe, closing the door. “She can’t stay tonight but she’ll
probably be back on Monday.”
make sure she does,” answered Mary, putting an arm around her daughter as they
all walked into the kitchen. “I don’t like the idea of you being on your own in
this big house. What have you been buying?”
    “Hoodies, new jeans and a
PlayStation game.” Jim’s ears pricked up. “Which one?”
    “ Ditchfront . Vana and some other friends
have had it for a while. They’ve been bugging me to get it for a few weeks. Any
luck on the toilet front, dad?”
really, I’ll have to get a plumber in to look at it sometime next week.”
Morning trips to the second floor – reminds me of Halls – the benefit of living
back at home!” Zoe smiled.
the family had enjoyed one of Mary’s specialities for dinner, spicy chilli
beef, and a few gaming hours together, it was time for bed. Mary was busy in
the kitchen. “Hot chocolate for you, Zoe? What about
you, James?”
the chocolate, thanks, mum,” replied James, using a phrase he’d adopted from
one of Jim’s American colleagues. Mary brought in the hot drinks as requested;
chocolate for Zoe, hot milk for James, and Horlicks for her and Jim. “It sure
has been a long day,” said Jim, “think I’ll turn in now. Goodnight all.”
was lying in bed,

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