The Reluctant Virgin [Ride 'em Hard 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

The Reluctant Virgin [Ride 'em Hard 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Stacey Espino Read Free Book Online

Book: The Reluctant Virgin [Ride 'em Hard 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Stacey Espino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Espino
Tags: Romance
axis, and after his father’s death he couldn’t deal with any more drama or heartache.
    Sex he could handle, and he wanted it from Cindy in a big way. But she was a good girl, and good girls usually required something in return. He imagined she’d only bedded a handful of men in her life. Maybe it would be best to curb his desire for another couple hours until she was gone. It was just so damn difficult with the petite blonde beauty standing next to him. Her kiss made the world stop for those few minutes. That level of intimacy was something he rarely experienced. He never wanted it to end even though it terrified him.
    “Did you hear anything I told you?” she asked. No, he hadn’t. He was too busy studying the flecks of gold in her blue eyes and the light smattering of freckles across her nose. This was bad, very bad. Josh had to get the fuck away from the little temptress before he did something he’d regret. Like offer her the world and mean it.
    “No, sorry. My mind must be elsewhere. If you have all the information you need, maybe we best head back. I have a ton of stuff to get done around the farm today.”
    “Oh. Okay.” She worried her lower lip as she walked back to the mare. Cindy had a cute, round ass and long legs for her height. She did walk with a slight limp, and he wondered if she’d sprained her ankle recently. Then erotic visions of oiling down her body and massaging every soft curve filled his head. Fuck!
    Riding back to the barn with a painful hard-on was an unpleasant experience when sitting in a hard, unforgiving saddle. He quickly dismounted and led his horse to the barn, needing a few minutes alone. Rather than mind his manners and help Cindy off her horse, he disappeared from her sight. He needed a quick reprieve from her addicting presence. She was making him weak when he’d been perfectly happy having new women as often as the wind shifted. It may have been a while since he’d had time for a fast woman, but he used to have his fill. He got a high from new relationships—the unknown, the anticipation, the hunt. But it never lasted. The thrill would fade, leaving him unfulfilled. Now he was thinking about crazy things like watching the stars with Cindy at night, sharing his fears, and riding her long and hard in the hayloft.
    “Back already?” asked Adam. “Matthew just left.”
    “Sorry about that. I should have stayed to help.” There wasn’t much money in hay, but it was something. Besides, neighbors were supposed to help each other out, not begrudge one another.
    “I’m sure you’re forgiven since he has a date with Ms. Taylor tonight.”
    “What are you blathering about?” He loosened the girth strap on his stallion as he spoke, trying not to appear too interested.
    “Matthew said she agreed to dinner.”
    “And where the fuck was I? I was with her every blasted minute.”
    Adam hooked his hat on the edge of the stall and ran a hand through his hair. “You were saddling up the horses. What can I say? The man moves fast.”
    He shouldn’t care one way or another. In fact, wasn’t he trying to avoid and push away Cindy? This was good news. Then why did it fester and churn in his gut nearly making him sick?
    “That’s just dandy, Adam.” He ground his molars together. Matthew was a good friend and neighbor, but right now he felt like the enemy. He heard a truck door slam shut. Josh forgot what he was doing and rushed to the entrance of the barn. Cindy was behind the steering wheel of her truck.
    He ran over to her open window.
    “Where you rushing off to?”
    “I’ve got the information I need. Mr. Oakley will be in touch.”
    “Mr. Oakley? What about you?”
    She brushed stray blonde hairs from her face. “My part of the job is done. If you go through with the installation, I may see you in the future on a service call.”
    He felt a trickle of desperation enter his veins. “And what did Matthew Garner do for you to agree to dinner?” Fuck. Why couldn’t he

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