The Rules

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Book: The Rules by Nancy Holder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Holder
Robin to watch. Beth was practically starving for their approval. It was obvious to Robin that they were only playing along, acting like they liked her.
    Robin was about to say something she knew she would later regret, but she was saved when the members of Maximum Volume returned, climbing onto the stage to play an electrified version of the traditional funeral march. Everything seemed to be fine now, for them, at least. The band ended their song with a flourish, and August appeared on the stage.
    “Thank you, Maximum Volume!” he said into his wireless mike. “They’ll be playing again in a little while, and a final set when I announce the winners. Now it’s hookup time!”
    Cheers rose up as Beth caught Robin’s arm. “We’re exempt. We’re already paired up.”
    “Paired up?” Robin echoed. She saw three girls, two of whom she recognized from school: Heather Smirnoff and Morgan Alcina. A third girl shook her head and laughed. Cage and Larson sidled over to them as they all checked each other out. Robin’s face felt warm. She wasn’t sure she was going to enjoy this “hookup time.”
    August dangled a black bandana. “Who will do the honors? Beth?”
    “Oh,” Beth murmured, sucking in her breath. She beamed at August before starting to walk forward, Miss America on her way to her tiara.
    “Why don’t you have your friend Thea help us out?” August finished.
    Beth flinched but just as quickly recovered. “Showtime,” she muttered. “Do me proud, Thea.”
    Like a stage magician, August gestured for Thea to come forward. She took her time, looking supremely cool. August handed her the bandana, then pointed at Cage. Cage imitated Thea’s runway model gait and planted himself in front of her, bending his knees so that he and Thea were closer in height. August gestured for her to place the bandana over his eyes, and she did, tying it in place.
    While she was doing that, Heather, Morgan, and the third girl dashed over to their purses and pulled something out of them. Perfume bottles. Morgan gave herself a spritz, her shiny curls bouncing as she tipped her head left and right, and Heather tipped a vial over, dabbing it behind her ears. The third girl pulled out a white handkerchief and waved it back and forth in the air.
    The girls moved toward the blindfolded Cage, Morgan and Heather slinking around like pole dancers while the third girl moved her hankie back and forth very, very shyly. She glanced at the band, and Robin saw a quick flare of interest on the bass player’s face, followed by longing and…regret? Robin looked back at the girl, who was twirling in an awkward circle with both arms extended.
    Larson, August, Beth, and the entire band hooted and applauded as the Callabrese girls really put their sexy on. Heather and Morgan performed full-body rolls.
    “Yikes,” Robin murmured, dying of embarrassment. “Um, Beth?”
    “Be cool,” Beth said. “It’ll be fine.”
    Heather blew Cage a kiss and the onlookers chuckled. Cage cocked his head to sniff the air.
    “You know Heather,” Beth said in Robin’s ear.
    Robin did. Heather was one of those blondes with perfect hair, tons of makeup, and big diamond earrings. She was the queen of the drama department, literally, with a mirror in her locker that looked like one of those clapper things they used in movies when the director called “Action!”
    “She’s moving to L.A. after graduation. She got a part in a TV pilot,” Beth said.
    “Yeah, I heard,” Robin replied, and she could hear herself working overtime to sound unimpressed. “Makes sense. Guys think she’s hot.” Which was also kind of bitchy of her, she supposed. Heather was a good actress. She had real talent. Robin was just very nervous.
    The girls circled Cage, still doing their slinky-girl dance moves. He inhaled deeply, then reached out both arms and lunged forward, nearly grazing Heather’s arm.
    “Hot is right,” Beth whispered. “Heather is hot for a teacher. And said

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