Her eyes widened apprehensively, showing fear from my words. I had to stop myself from trying to comfort her. Why do you care?
“Everything okay? You look conflicted.”
“Maybe this isn’t for me—I don’t like to be touched, especially by strangers.”
Interesting; she didn’t seem to mind me touching her the other night. Well, until the end. I wonder what the story is behind that. I shoved my concern for her away as I stated, “If you don’t like to be touched, you need to know ways to prevent it from happening, to protect yourself from the people that don’t care what you want.”
Uncomfortably sighing, she asked, “Can you work with me? I don’t think I’ll be comfortable with anyone else.” Her eyes widened, her cheeks flushing red as she stammered, “Only because I already know you. Not because I want you to touch me or anything.”
I chuckled before replying, “Whatever works for you—I want you to be comfortable. If you’re not comfortable, then you’re less likely to come back.”
She nodded before exhaling a heavy breath. “I’m really nervous.”
“Don’t be—we’ll take it slow. I try to give specialized attention to all the students based on their strengths and weaknesses. I’ll help you every step of the way.”
A small smile graced her beautiful lips, causing my stomach to tighten.
“Thank you. I really appreciate it,” she said softly.
“No problem—just doing my job. Go ahead and get stretched out before we get started.” I turned to walk away, but stopped and asked, “Do you have gloves?”
“I didn’t know I needed them. Can I still take the class without them?”
“Yeah, I have some. They’re old and worn, but they’ll work until you get some of your own,” I said as I walked to the small closet in the corner of the room. Rifling through my storage of kickboxing supplies, I found some gloves that I thought would fit Kaiya’s small hands.
When I exited, Kaiya was bent over, touching her right foot gracefully with her fingers as she stretched. Her ass was to me, and I couldn’t help but imagine entering her from behind, sinking my dick inside her pussy as I pounded against that sweet ass.
Fuck, stop. Focus—you’re about to teach a class.
I cleared my throat before I spoke, my voice slightly cracking, “Here are the gloves.”
Straightening, she turned and took the gloves from me, barely brushing her fingers against my palm. “Thanks.”
Giving her a slight nod, I turned away and walked back to the supply closet again, trying to distract myself from thoughts of Kaiya and sex.
Minutes later, the other students began to trickle in, along with the other instructors, Mark and David. They were there to give the students real life models to practice with, ensuring they became accustomed to what a typical man’s body feels like when they attack since a man’s weight and strength were huge factors in overpowering women. All the techniques I taught would be almost useless if they didn’t have training utilizing them against a man.
After I had demonstrated the first combo, I walked over to Kaiya to see if she needed help while the others started. She attempted the maneuver, but her form was off. Way off. She’d probably never been in a fight before.
“I’m doing it wrong, aren’t I?” she asked, blowing a strand of her hair off of her face in frustration.
I laughed lightly, “Not completely. You’re doing a lot of things right, but your form is a little off. Let me show you again.”
Repeating the combination again, I said the moves aloud for her to hear. “Jab, punch, palm strike, elbow, elbow, knee, front snap.”
“What’s the difference between a jab and punch?”
“Well, a jab is basically just a quick punch using your front hand. A punch is thrown from the back hand, and has more power than a jab,” I demonstrated as I answered her.
“Okay, jab is front hand, punch is back hand,” she said, copying my