The Scent of Seduction

The Scent of Seduction by Trina Lane Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Scent of Seduction by Trina Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trina Lane
seems to be a universal fact that you can't bullshit them. The way I look at it is, if they can see how much I enjoy teaching them and how much I love what I teach, then I might have a chance at getting them to pay attention. The more they learn now, the better prepared they'll be to enter society, whether or not they ever attend college."
    The steak melted in Jaryn's mouth and he smiled as he heard a little moan of appreciation from Nicole across the table.
    "I really don't want to go back to the unpleasant topic, but have you contacted anyone from your life since your escape?"
    Nicole frowned and her shoulders fell. She put her knife and fork down and twisted her fingers together. “No. I'm sure my job is gone, and most likely my landlord gave up on me a long time ago. I...I probably have nothing but the clothes on my back."
    Jaryn reached for one of Nicole's hands. He caressed her knuckles with his thumb. “I'll help you get everything in order. We'll make some calls in the morning. I'll take you shopping and get you a new wardrobe and whatever else you need."
    "But I'm sure Adam is monitoring everything connected to my life before. He has people working for him who can trace any type of communication all over the world.” She toyed with the napkin in her lap. “In fact, he's probably already aware of the money I withdrew this morning. It's only a matter of time before he finds me,” she whispered.
    "Remember what I said? Our pack will protect you with our lives if need be. I have contacts, too, sweetheart. Don't worry, nothing we do will trigger anything on Adam's end."
    "I'd appreciate the help with getting a few changes of clothes and the other stuff, but I promise I'll pay you back."
    "You're my mate, Nicole. It's my job to take care of you, provide for you, and love you. I won't accept a dime for simply doing what I'm supposed to do.” He could see she was about to argue. “I'm not trying to take over your life. If you want to get another job teaching, and contribute to our home, I'm all for it. If you want to stay home with our pups, that's fine, too. All I'm saying is, don't throw my gift in my face, please. Don't start our mating off with some type of internal balance sheet."
    Nicole took her hand away from Jaryn's. She took a large sip of the wine in front of her. “Holy crap—you're moving at lightning speed here. We haven't even mated yet and you're already talking about children."
    Nicole's words gave Jaryn hope and his pulse raced. “Are you ready to accept the fact that we are mates?"
    "I'm still considering all the implications of what it would mean to be your mate. Can...can we just take this slow? I'm a little overwhelmed with everything."
    The excitement of a moment ago shrivelled and Jaryn's heart felt as though it was being crushed in an iron fist. His mate didn't want him. This was supposed to be the simplest thing in his life. When he found his mate, their connection was supposed to be instant and irrefutable. Jaryn knew Nicole was his mate, and he sensed that deep inside her she knew the truth—so why was she fighting him?
    Because she's been through hell, you asshole. Give her some time to get her equilibrium back
    "Of course. I'm sorry. Tell me how you became a teacher."
    "My first job out of college was working as a patent examiner. I'd review incoming patent requests to determine their validity and cross reference them with current patents on file. It was mostly a lot of clerical and research work. I made decent income, but I was bored out of my skull. So about ten years ago, I decided to get my teaching certificate. I received my certificate then immediately started work on my Master's degree.” Nicole took a sip of her wine and tucked her hair behind one ear. “I was on the track to achieve tenure when I was kidnapped."
    Jaryn reached for Nicole's hand. Even the back was dotted with faint freckles. Her pale skin was proof that she hadn't spent a lot of time outdoors this past

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