The Streets Or Me: A Louisiana Love Story

The Streets Or Me: A Louisiana Love Story by Nicole Dior Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Streets Or Me: A Louisiana Love Story by Nicole Dior Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Dior
you made the drops, picked up product, and handled business like a team of leaders should, so now we talk takeover," he said.
    Ever since I was young and started out in this game, Killa took me under his wing and showed me the ropes. He taught me shit about this lifestyle that not even Chi nor Luke knew; he’s always been impressed with my mentality and my hunger for money as my thirst for power in the streets. Taking over this business as the new leader of the Street Kingz and building something more legit for me and Khy would be big for us no lie.
    Chi spoke knocking me from my thoughts,"Me and Pop been discussing this whole takeover, he runs 95% of Northeast Louisiana while I run the other 5%. I'm taking my 5% of the game and going to Houston to be closer to Sincere and Symphony since they both getting older. I already got a team setup ready to make moves and-"
    "Where does that leave me and Legz though?" Luke asked.
    "You'll take 5% of my 90%, meaning Legacy-"
    "Gets the 90% making him the new leader of the Monroe Street Kingz, daddy you can't be serious right now?" Khy asked.
    "A'Khyia, baby girl I'm doing this for the both of you, with Luke having so much on his plate with Miracle he'll need to be with A’Laya more than before meaning he won't be able to control such a huge portion of the game so Legacy is the only option...if he wants it," he said.
    I look over at Khy and she had a worried look on her face, I hate when she gets that look 'cause it means she don't want me to do it. Queen was 'bout to speak until Khy cut her off.
    "We'll be back...I need to speak with Legacy a minute," she said.
    I got up and followed her to the kitchen so we could talk.
    "Khy look-"
    "I'm not gonna talk you out of this because I know this is something you want. I just need you to reassure me that this life won't change you and take control of you," she said.
    "Khyia, I told you that I got us and I mean that. This game won't change me or control me, I promise. I just need you to trust me baby," I said.
    "Legacy, I trust you but-"
    "If you trust me then ain't no buts Khy. Trustin' me is knowin' deep down in yo heart that as yo man I got you, this life is to build a better future for us and the children we plan on havin' aight," I said.
    "Ok, I trust you," she said.
    "That's all a nigga need to hear. I love you Khy," I kissed her.
    "I love you too babe, c'mon," she replied.
    We walked back in livingroom and sat down with all eyes on me waiting for my answer.
    "So what's it gon' be young blood?" Killa asked.
    "I'm all in, so where do we go from here?” I asked.
    "Your compound now becomes the central meeting place for business, once word is out dope boys will come to you for their street distributions. Gun peddlers and pimps will come your way asking about their authority on the streets and over their girls. I know you a good businessman so I expect you to have everything in order within the next month or less, depending on how you move. Business may halt or slow down as everyone becomes adjusted to this change, but I expect everything to get back on track and running smoothly as soon as possible," he said.
    "Luke your position is pretty much as mine was, you'll have your own territory to control and put your team on, but you'll work directly under Legz. He'll have more leverage to call the shots, you both get the same product from the same connects, meet with the same plugs. Khy will still organize meetings for the teams, I'm bringing in Lexi and Pooh to help her with that. By the end of the week niggas gon' be at the door ready to do business," Chi said.
    "We need to stay on a game in these streets having new power can bring on new enemies to go along with the old ones already may have had. Khyia, you and the girls need to be sharp as well, with you being involved with Legacy it makes you a target, which means his enemies will have it out for you as

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