The Summer of Me

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Book: The Summer of Me by Angela Benson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Benson
done so on purpose.
    â€œA penny for your thoughts,” he said, bringing her attention back to him.
    â€œI’m sorry,” she said. “I was just thinking about all the folks who supported me when my mom was sick and going through various treatments. Natalie was one of them,” she said, not seeing a need to mention Kenneth again. “We go way back. We grew up together. She’s been a very good friend to me for a very long time.”
    He nodded. “It’s the same with me and Gavin. We didn’t grow up together; we met in college and became fast friends our freshman year. He and two other college friends were there for me. I don’t know if I could have made it without those guys. God never fails to put the right people in our lives.”
    â€œAmen to that,” she said, understanding that she knew he was including her among the right people and agreeing with him. “So you’re a minister and Daniel’s a minister. Are the other two friends you mentioned ministers as well?”
    He chuckled. “No way,” he said. “They’re good guys but they serve in other ways. Only Gavin and I chose this path. And Gavin chose it before I did.”
    â€œIf you don’t mind me asking, how did you come to this place? Did God speak to you, like in a dream, or did you just make a decision based on your interests? I’ve always wondered, but I’ve been too much of a chicken to ask Gavin.”
    â€œThere’s nothing wrong with asking,” he said. Then he seemed to consider her question before answering. “It was a little of both. I believe that this is the path God planned for me, but I didn’t hear His voice speaking to me the way youand I are speaking. It was more a strong feeling in my spirit that was confirmed by people I trusted, people like Gavin and, even more strongly, Gloria.”
    â€œYour wife?”
    He nodded. “I didn’t come to this path easily or directly. I started out in a small business with my two other buddies. It was only after Gloria became ill that I accepted this path.”
    â€œDo you think—” she began, but stopped herself when she realized she was about to get too personal. She’d just met the man, for goodness’ sake.
    â€œIt’s all right,” he coaxed. “You can ask. If I don’t want to answer, I’ll tell you.”
    She met his eyes, and seeing the sincerity there, she asked, “Do you think you would have chosen this path if your wife hadn’t gotten sick?”
    He nodded. “That’s a question I’ve asked myself.”
    â€œI think so. If not this, something else would have led me here. Gloria often teased me about it. When she became ill, we both realized that time was not something we could count on. We had to live today, plan for tomorrow, but live today. More than anything, that’s what she taught me, both by the way she lived through the disease and how she died with it. She was incredible.”
    Destiny smiled at the way his love for his wife poured through his words and shone on his face. “You shared a special love, didn’t you?”
    He nodded. “We did. And losing her was very hard. Shespent the last year preparing me for life without her. She was that kind of woman.”
    â€œI wish I had known her. She sounds like someone I would have liked.”
    He smiled. “I think she would have liked you, too. She didn’t really get to know Natalie that well, but she considered her a friend.”
    After a few moments of easy silence, he chuckled. “You can tell that I’m not good at this dating thing, can’t you? I don’t think I’m supposed to spend that much time talking about my wife.”
    She began shaking her head. “You’re easy to talk to,” she said. “I asked questions and you answered them. Honestly. I appreciate that. I feel that I’m getting to

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