The  Super 4 : Dark Death

The Super 4 : Dark Death by Harrison Wallace Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Super 4 : Dark Death by Harrison Wallace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harrison Wallace
Tags: science, SciFi, Washington, dc, Powers, super, powers abilities
me I’m just
the defense guy. What use am I?” He said sadly.
    “ Um...Your force field can
withstand anything! You’re faster than light!!! You’re pretty
useful” Carly smiled her eyes losing all of their anger, “Also you
have crazy hearing and seeing powers! I want that!”
    Jake smiled. His cheeks turning slightly pink.
“Oh, and sorry Harrison for being a jerk.”
    I punched him in
the shoulder. “It’s OK! You’re not completely useless!” He laughed. A
sound I hadn’t heard for a while. Darryl laughed as well. Soon, we
were all helpless with laughter. A knock ended
    “ Harrison? You in there?” It was
was my sister.
    “ Yes, Tessa, I’m here.” I said.
“And so is Jake.”
    At the mention of Jake’s name, my sister
popped in excited. She jumped up and down. Her cinnamon-colored
hair bouncing up and down. Her hazel eyes, wide. Jake rubbed his
now pink neck and smiled, embarrassed. “Hey Tessa.” He said. Tessa
squealed in response. Her caramel skin turning slightly pink. She
stared adoringly at him.
    “ Well Tessa, we were just about to
go swimming!” I said, “You could join us if you want!”
    “ I’ll be right down!” She squealed
excitedly as she exited my room.
    Jake turned to me annoyed. “Carly go see if my
sis has a spare suit.” I interrupted before Jake could yell at me.
I gave each of them a swimsuit. “The bathrooms are there and there.
I’ll be in here.”
    They left. I smiled.
    Carly flipped into the pool. I went in via the
zip line. Tessa dived in from the diving board. Darryl did a
    Jake went into the pool slowly. In the shallow
    We laughed.
    Jake blushed.
    “ Come on in Jake! The water’s
great!” We teased.
    His face turned redder than a tomato. He went
into the deeper water slowly. Jake’s biggest secret was that he
never learned how to swim. This was how I decided to repay him for
being mean to us.
    Carly gave him a mischievous grin. “I know why
don’t we play catch. I’ll be it!”
    Carly gave us to a count of twenty, and then
we spread out to the furthest edges. For a while, Carly pretended
to chase us. Then with an extra push of her powers she swam towards
Jake. Jake panicked and started splashing around in the shallow
area. Not thinking for a second to use his powers. Carly stopped
right in front of him and said,
    “ Tag you’re it!”
    Jake groaned.
    He counted to twenty and opened his eyes.
Tessa had stopped right in front of Jake. And I had no doubt that
Jake knew about it. Jake made a fake swing for her and she dodged
    While she was underwater Jake used his super
speed to doggy paddle to the end of the pool. He tagged me and gave
me an innocent smile.
    We were drying off when Mum came into my
    “ Hi boys! Hope you had fun!” She
smiled at Jake as she placed the tray of snacks on my living room
    I stifled a laugh.
    When she left I let it burst. Darryl joined
me. We laughed for five minutes straight. When we wiped the tears
from our eyes and picked ourselves up from the floor.
    We were still smiling as Carly walked in with
Tessa. “What’s up guys?” They chorused.
    “ Nothing much.” We replied in the
same three-part harmony.
    “ Cool.” Carly said, “Hey! Can we
have some of those chips and salsa in your living room
    I had forgotten all about the snacks Mum
brought in. “Sure.”
    “ Thanks” she replied. We all went
to my living room to eat. To put it short it was terrible. After
our first bite we all swallowed and then excused ourselves to the
    We vomited for a minute. Then we decided what
to do with the salsa. Jake suggested to feed it to the dogs. Carly
quickly reprimanded him for even thinking about it. Nursing his
hurt wrist he deftly apologized. Tessa suggested burying it six
feet underground. I said make it two feet. In the end we went along
with Tessa’s idea. We took shovels and Tess carried the salsa down.
A couple of times we had to hide from

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