exaggerated sniff.
Samantha put her hands on her hips and gave him an annoyed look. “It’s not only for you. You have to share .”
“I do?” His eyes landed on Tia’s face. “You brought something this delicious and you’re going to make me share?”
“I’m afraid so.” She set Tristi on the carpet. “This is a different variation than I’ve tried before. You’ll have to tell me what you think of it.”
She took a surreptitious look around the scrupulously clean apartment. It was sparsely furnished, but a few pictures on the wall turned the décor from bland to personal. She liked the picture of him standing in front of a fire truck in full turnouts, his helmet tucked under his arm and his face black with soot. Other pictures were of friends and family and one of him and a dark-haired woman sat on the entertainment center. Several of him and the woman were scattered around the space, she realized after a moment, though many held other people as well. She caught him watching her as she looked at the photos, but he didn’t explain. She didn’t ask.
“It smells awesome, so I know it’ll be good.” He set the pie on the counter and turned back to the pasta salad, giving it a final stir and launching into questions about how she managed to land the cooking show.
Conversation meandered from topic to topic as he finished putting together dinner—refusing all assistance from Tia—and keeping an eye on the chicken on the grill. To her surprise, Tia found herself relaxing in his presence. He was good with the kids, cooked competently, and kept the conversation lively.
After dinner was done, dessert was a memory, and the girls sat in front of a kids’ movie Tia had brought—just in case—Tia and Danny settled comfortably in his living room.
“I have to admit, I didn’t expect to have such a good time tonight,” Tia said as she kicked off her shoes and tucked her feet under her on the sofa. It was even more comfortable than it looked.
“You underestimated my charm?” His grin was teasing and nearly irresistible.
“On the contrary, I wondered if there was anything under all of your charm. All too often charm is just smoke and mirrors to cover up an empty shell.” She winced inwardly after she spoke. Did she just insinuate she’d thought he’d be shallow?
“And you came anyway?” He looked amused rather than offended, giving her the courage to explain.
“Promise not to hate me?” When he nodded, she plowed ahead, “I’m trying to avoid my mom, and the best way is to be out of the house and turn off the phone. You were a good excuse.”
He covered his chest with one hand. “I’m wounded.” His amused expression said otherwise. “What’s the deal with your mom, if you don’t mind my asking?”
Tia paused to consider her words. This was extremely personal, but she felt like she could talk to him. He was a much better listener than most men, and since she’d already admitted to more or less using him, not giving him some kind of explanation wouldn’t be fair. “I found out a few days ago that my parents divorced because she cheated on my dad. Now we think he may not be my dad at all.”
Danny didn’t give her the pity she dreaded, just sympathetic understanding. “Wow. How long have your parents been divorced?”
“Sixteen years. All this time they’ve been saying it was a personality conflict, and they decided they’d be happier apart. My dad never even hinted at my mom’s infidelity.” It was just like her dad—who while not exactly self-effacing, did at least tend to put his kids’ best interest first. Her mom certainly wouldn’t have done the same if the roles had been reversed.
“Did your mom marry the guy she cheated with?” Danny reached up and touched one of her auburn curls, wrapping it around his finger.
“No. She has married and divorced again since then, but she met the second husband years after the divorce finalized. I keep asking myself if I was
Piers Anthony, Launius Anthony, Robert Kornwise