The Toll-Gate

The Toll-Gate by Georgette Heyer Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Toll-Gate by Georgette Heyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgette Heyer
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
head about that!" recommended John.
    Ben eyed him with considerable respect. "You got a lot of mint-sauce, gov'nor?"
    "I'm tolerably well-blunted," responded John gravely. "Now, listen, Ben! I'm going to remain here——"
    "You are?" cried Ben joyfully.
    "Until your dad comes back, or, at any rate——"
    "Coo, I hope he don't never come back!"
    "Quiet, you unnatural brat! If he doesn't come back—lord, I'm dashed if I know what I'm to do with you, but I won't throw you on the Parish, at all events! The thing is, if I'm to stay here I must make some purchases. How far off is the nearest town, and what is it?"
    After reflection, Ben said that he thought Tideswell was only a matter of five miles or so. He added that his dad had bought the pig there, and a new coat for the winter. This sounded promising. "I'll ride there tomorrow," John said. "You won't be scared of minding the gate while I'm away, will you?"
    "I ain't scared—leastways, not in the day time I ain't," said Ben. "But I got to muck out Mr. Sopworthy's henhouse, mind! He'll tip me a meg, and likely want me to lend a hand at summat else. I dunno when I'll be back."
    "Well, you must tell him that you're needed here. What kind of a man is this Mr. Sopworthy?"
    "He's a leery cove, he is, me dad says. He ain't one as'll squeak beef on you, but it's pound dealing with him, else he goes up in the boughs—proper, he does!"
    "If that means that he's an honest man, I fancy I had best make his acquaintance. I gather you don't think he'd be likely to inform against your dad, so we shall tell him that your dad's been called away for a few days, and left me to take his place. I'm a cousin of yours," said the Captain.
    "He won't never swallow a rapper like that!" objected Ben. "He ain't no chub! He'd know you was a flash cull, sure as check!"
    "Not he!" grinned John.
    "Soon as you opens your mummer, he will!" insisted Ben. "'Cos you talks flash, and you got a lot of cramp-words, like all the gentry-coves."
    "I'll take care not to use 'em," promised John.
    "Yes, and what about that mish you got on, and them stampers?" demanded Ben, quite unconvinced.
    "If you mean my shirt, I am going to buy some others, in Tideswell, and a stout pair of brogues as well. Don't shake your head at me! I've been discharged from the Army, understand? Trooper, 3 rd Dragoon Guards—and batman (that means a servant) to an officer. That's how I come to talk a trifle flash. You remember that, and we shall come off all right!"
    Ben looked dubious, but all he said was: "What'll I call you, gov'nor?"
    "Jack. What I must have is decent stabling for Beau. He can't remain cooped up in a hen-house, and it seems to me that the Blue Boar's the best place for him."
    "Why couldn't you stable him in Farmer Huggate's barn?" asked Ben captiously.
    "I could, if I knew where it was," John retorted.
    "It's nob but a step, back of here," Ben said. "Farmer Huggate and me dad's as thick as hops. If you was to grease him in the fist, likely he'd let you have fodder for Beau, too, 'cos he's got two big prads of his own."
    This suggestion pleased the Captain so well that he sent Ben to see Farmer Huggate as soon as he had eaten his dinner. He himself remained on duty, but was only twice called upon to open the gate. Whatever might happen during the week, the road seemed to be very little used on Sundays. Having discovered some clean sheets in a chest, John was able to make up his bed. He did some energetic work with the broom, drastically tidied the kitchen, and then sat down to compile a list of the various commodities which were needed to make life in a toll-house tolerable. He was engaged on this task when an imperative voice summoned him to the gate. He got up rather quickly, for he recognised the voice, and strode out.
    Miss Stornaway, mounted on a good-looking hack, and unattended, said, with a slight smile: "Well, sir, I've come to hear that long story, if you please! You must know that they call me the Squire in these

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