The Tormented Goddess

The Tormented Goddess by Sarah Saint-Hilaire Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Tormented Goddess by Sarah Saint-Hilaire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Saint-Hilaire
out. Would you care to dance?”
    Venus agreed and walked with Edward to the dance floor. The music began; Edward took her hand and placed his arm around her waist. Their footsteps danced to the lightning speed of the waltz. In the heart of the dance Venus broke the silence and began to speak with Edward. “Are you ready for the presentation, next week?”
    “I have to admit I'm slightly nervous.”
    “Everything will be fine.” r eplied Venus to Edward. The music shortly ended. Ready to begin the next dance, her head suddenly became drowsy; the people around her became a blur . She tried to postpone her curse and excused herself rushed off to the gardens. In the midst of the Charleston's floral maze she fell to the ground. Again she found herself at the gates of the underworld; in she entered where the demoniac lord of the underworld greeted her once more.
    “My dear...” he exclaimed “... you have not followed my advice , finding your old lover is a command.”
    “Why do you wish so much to torment me, besides once there what am I supposed to do?” a sked Venus.
    “You'll find out, do you wish to learn anything else?”
    “Where will I find him?”
    “The same place you left him.” The devil approached her uncomfortably close, his stench seemed only to intensify. “May I steal a kiss?” He approached even closer, desperately wishing to wake up; Venus's wish came to life, vanishing as dust she left Pluto falling in mid-air .
    Her eyes opened with Edward shaking her to wake up. His face was drowned in fear, relieved he exclaimed “I thought I lost you!”
    “Didn't I tell you that I can never die? ”
    “But Venus you were, dead.” She sat up looking at the bouquet of roses thrown on the ground. “Are you alright?” a sked Edward.
    “I'm fine, thank you.” As they both stood up to make their way inside a bright red autumn leaf fell onto the pond creating little wrinkles over the water.
    With the wedding over meant the arrival of the examination, indeed this was the very day of their presentation. Edward had palpitations of nervousness, as for Venus she seemed very enthusiast to commence. Spectators came in including Mr. Charleston Edwards father, as well as the Universities director. The presentation began, the richness of the British vocabulary flowed loosely through the passionate lips of the orators, fascinating the public. The intensive performance eroded the notion of time, there presentation was already over. Receiving a great round of applause, the two thanked their guest and began the reception. Once Edwards father spotted his son amongst the crowd he came closer to congratulate him. “Congratulation...” he turned his head towards Venus “... My dear girl, I have to admit that I have miss evaluated you. Edward my boy you have made me very pleased, keep up the good work.” He checked the time and decided “I must make my way. Try to leave early my boy, the clouds are about to pour.”
    “At this temperature father I wouldn't be surprised that it'll snow.” a dded his son.
    “Precisely, well good day.” t he moment his father made his way out the sky gave birth to its first snow flake.
    C hap ter Nine
    The rooftops were blackened by the cities smoking chimneys. The streets on another hand were covered with a heavenly coat of milk white snow. Sitting in front her roaring fireplace Venus drank from her newly brewed herbal tea. Skimming through the letters of her mail she found one sealed with a deep red Bordeaux wax, her name written in ancient Slav intrigued her on opening it. Reaching for the letter within the envelope fell out dried rose petals on her dress ; she found an invitation for a Christmas Eve ballet performance. At the bottom of the oddly paragraphed writing was signed.
    Sincerely yours,
    It was alr eady the fifteenth of December, leaving the university

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