The Traveler's Companion

The Traveler's Companion by Christopher John Chater Read Free Book Online

Book: The Traveler's Companion by Christopher John Chater Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher John Chater
and selflessness. For all intents and purposes, this was a self-help book.
    Iverson couldn’t find any mention of Go’s other books or what specifically he had done with them. The only indication of a destination in this book was a place he called “the Zone.”
    Iverson anticipated a team of code breakers, psychologists, and literary experts arguing over the text. Because of its spiritual overtones, they might postulate that this was some type of a manifesto for a cult. Or maybe C.C. Go had turned over a new leaf and this represented an apologia written to redeem him from a life of hedonistic criminality. Of course, there was no concrete evidence he had written the type of books of which he was suspected. Had a rumor gone out of control?
    Iverson had only one question: why had he left it for them?

    “A self-help book?” Gibbons asked.
    “It appears to be written that way,” Iverson said.
    “How did he get it on the premises?”
    “We believe he has Angela’s badge.”
    “Great,” Gibbons said, gritting his teeth.
    Angela chimed in, “In my defense, Director, I was wrestling with a coma victim.”
    “The point is, when he returns, we’ll be ready,” Iverson said.
    Gibbons tossed a pen onto the desk, fuming. “Who is this guy? Tell me something useful!”
    “Based on the book, The Traveler’s Companion , I’ve been able to update C.C. Go’s psychological profile,” Angela said.
    “Great. Let’s hear it.”
    “In his author’s note he talks about how seemingly chance events were actually caused by a mysterious omnipotent force leading him to his destiny. The instructional tone of the book suggests his destiny is to help or save mankind, like Moses taking the Israelites to the Promised Land. At first glance it’s textbook messiah complex, but the way he’s going about it reeks of ego. He cavorts with celebrities. He’s mass producing a so-called work of altruism using expensive paper, leather binding, and gold lettering. Mister Go is a narcissist, and a narcissist’s real desire is to be loved. Usually the neurosis stems from the love they didn’t get from their parents, and someone like him might believe that, once a savior, he will finally get the love he’s always wanted.”
    “I see,” Gibbons said. “He’s like a cult leader. But he’s not necessarily looking for power.”
    “No, sir. Megalomaniacs crave power. C.C. Go is much too private and elusive a person to navigate the social intricacies of power. On a psychological level, it would entail too much responsibility. On a spiritual level, having it would be counter to his beliefs. You’re the only megalomaniac here, Director.”
    “ Excuse me ?”
    “What she means is that, as a narcissist, his Achilles’ heel is a deep-seated need to be loved,” Iverson said. “Who better than Angela to exploit that weakness?”
    “Quit selling, Iverson. I get it,” Gibbons said, rubbing his eyes. “This long night just got longer. Angela, would you mind getting us some coffee.”
    “Only if you promise not to kick any ass until I get back,” she said.
    “I can’t promise, but I’ll try.” He ogled her as she left the office.
    “I’ve put her on Level Four,” Iverson said.
    “Level Four? What the fuck is Level Four?”
    “She operates on levels of intensity, each of which—”
    “Will it affect us?”
    “No, sir. Only the target.”
    “What does Level Four do?” Gibbons asked.
    “I’d have to start from the begin—”
    “Well, we got plenty of time!” Gibbons said, throwing up his hands.
    “In the beginning, our team asked one question: can a man love a machine? Getting a man sexually aroused is easy. In fact, when Angela was just a series of ones and zeros, a software program, we unleashed her on the Internet. In twenty-four hours she had over three thousand hits. Her suitors knew nothing about her save for a terse description in a profile and a few carefully placed phrases in a chat room. But what we

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