Even now they were shunned for their lack of refinement, despite the incredible progress so many had made. Even though unjustified assaults on their kind were a daily occurrence, the Queen’s soldiers often looked the other way.
Some were learning trades. Others worked in the palace, cleaning, cooking, and even learning to play music. But no matter how hard they tried to fit in, they would always be branded for live. Whispers in the streets followed them when they walked by. Be careful. It’s one of them . Forsaken savages . Hide your children from these monsters. They are soulless .
And so the name stuck. The soulless would never have purpose in life. Never would they be fully accepted, no matter how hard they worked to discredit the myths and rumors. The seeds of prejudice were planted deep, and would no doubt fester for years. In regards to this unfortunate reality, they truly were soulless.
“The upcoming war is of a more... personal nature to them. Wouldn’t you agree?” said Azek, his face hard as stone once again. “For once in their lives they have been given a purpose, a chance to get revenge against the darkness that once enslaved them. To rise up and grab this vile force by the throat. After all, what does one have to lose when it seems he never should have existed at all?”
Ilirra raised her fingers, rubbing circles around her temples. “Why did you show me this?” She sounded tired. “What does any of that haunting image have to do with—”
“You and I can’t stop this dark force that threatens our existence. Were those not your exact words?”
She stared at him blankly.
His voice softene d. “You and I are not alone in this. Those brave men have made a choice and are determined to see it through, no matter the outcome. The Gate Keeper himself should have died many times already, yet he still draws breath and pushes on.” He softened his voice to a near whisper. “Jade still remains at his side. Despite all odds, I’m beginning to think those two can move mountains when they work together.”
Ilirra opened her mouth to speak, but only nodded in response.
“Don’t take the weight of the world and place it squarely on yourself. We are not alone in this, and I swear to fight on as long as our friends do. Hope just may be our strongest ally.”
Feeling numb , she collapsed against his chest. “Aid to our cause seems to come from the most unlikely sources,” she whispered against him. “If this is to be our end, I’ll look our enemies in the eye before I fall. I swear my resolve will not waver again.”
Azek held her close, time slowly passing by. Standing together in the street, not a single wagon rolled by. The stars twinkled away peacefully, the night sky watching over them.
Chapter 3
The High Priestess leaned forward in her skeletal throne. A white table with empty chairs, all assembled from polished bone, spread out before her. Shantis gripped her silver goblet so hard it began to creak in protest, threatening to collapse in her hand. She tipped it back, downing yet another swallow of ice-cold water, then relaxed her grip, rolling it around in her hand. Tiny jewels encrusted around the rim sparkled in the lamplight. Hiding her growing impatience was becoming more difficult by the minute.
Shantis hardly noticed when a servant scurried up and refilled her goblet from a plain silver pitcher. She was too preoccupied, bouncing her gaze between the doorway and the bone-framed oil paintings on the wall. One of her favorite pieces portrayed a ritual of sorts. Both crytons and humans joined hand in hand, circling an open fire. The artwork was very old, even by cryton standards, and she couldn’t help but wonder when it was painted. Was this before the Undead War? Were the two races allies at this time, or was the portrayal nothing more than a fool’s wish? Then I am the greatest fool of all , she thought.
Her champion, Brinkton, stood to her right with his back pressed firmly