The Triumph of Caesar

The Triumph of Caesar by Steven Saylor Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Triumph of Caesar by Steven Saylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven Saylor
Tags: Historical fiction
grabbed Rupa by the arm (insofar as my hand could lay claim to such a massive limb) and hurried down the steps to intercept the litter, which was making slow progress through the crowded street.
    Things could not have gone more to my liking. While I pretended to look the other way, Cytheris spotted the two of us and called out.
    "Gordianus? Hello there! Can it truly be you? Back from the dead? But it must be, because that big blond demigod beside you can only be Cassandra's little brother. Rupa!"
    She pushed aside the curtains and, not waiting for a slave to assist her, bounded from the litter. The flimsy gown she was wearing seemed more suitable for staying in than going out, and the hug she gave Rupa, pressing her small body full against him, caused him to blush to the roots of his golden hair. But when Cytheris threw back her head in a laugh of sheer delight, Rupa did likewise, though the sound that emerged from his throat was something between a bray and a bleat.
    "But this is too delicious!" she said, turning her attention to me. "One heard that you were dead. Oh, dear, is it awful of me to say that aloud? I'm sure I must be flouting some superstitious rule of silence. But really, it's such a surprise. You were off in Alexandria, weren't you? Along with Rupa? But now you're back! What are you up to, here in the Carinae?"
    "Well . . . we were just stopping here at the Temple of Tellus, so that Rupa could say a prayer for his sister." This was the truth, after all.
    "Ah, yes, Cassandra . . ." Cytheris and Cassandra had been close in their younger days, when they were both street performers in Alexandria. "But you must come with me, both of you. You must tell me all about Alexandria. It's been ages since I was there, but some days I still wake up with the salty smell of the harbor in my nostrils. Come with me to the House of the Beaks, and we'll share some wine in the garden."
    Are you watching, lemur of Hieronymus? I thought. Take notes! I had intended to make your death the reason for my visit, as the bearer of sad news, but this is much better. To all appearances, we have met by chance, and my visit to the house of Antony is Cytheris's idea, not my own. I shall mention your death only in passing. . . .
    Slaves scurried to assist Cytheris back into her litter, but she shooed them away and beckoned to Rupa. With a single sweep of his arms he lifted her up and deposited her among the cushions. While Cytheris rode, we walked beside her. The litter bearers restrained their pace, in deference to my slow, uphill progress.
    Like many houses of the rich in Rome, Pompey's old residence presented an unostentatious face to the street. The portico was small and there was little in the way of ornament. But once we passed through the front doorway, I saw how the house had come by its name. The vestibule was enormous—one could have fitted a more humble house inside it—and the display of ramming beaks was dazzling. Some were very crudely fashioned, little more than man-sized lumps of bronze with a pointed end. But some were amazing works of art, fashioned to look like griffins with ferocious beaks or sea monsters with multiple horns. They were fearsome objects, intended to wreak havoc on other ships, but strikingly beautiful. I pondered for a moment the degree of artistry that is lavished on spears and swords and other weapons, to make pleasing to the eye a thing designed to cause death and destruction.
    "Hideous, aren't they?" said Cytheris, noting my fascination. "Antony dotes on them like children. He has names for them all! You'd think he had captured them himself. He says that someday he may build a fleet of warships and use the best of these to ornament them."
    "His own fleet of ships? Caesar might have something to say about that."
    "Ah, yes . . . Caesar." She made a wry face.
    As we walked through the house it appeared to me that the rooms had been depleted of some of their furniture and ornaments. There were niches without

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