The Twelfth Card

The Twelfth Card by Jeffery Deaver Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Twelfth Card by Jeffery Deaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeffery Deaver
because of the attack, he wondered, or was she uncomfortable because Rhyme was a crip? Both probably.
    Geneva was dressed in a gray T-shirt and black baggy pants and running shoes, which Rhyme guessed was the fashion among high school students nowadays. Sellitto had said the girl was sixteen but she looked younger. While Lakeesha’s hair was done in a mass of thin gold and black braids,tied so taut that her scalp showed, Geneva’s was cropped short.
    “I told the girls who you are, Captain,” Robinson explained, using the title that was some years out of date. “And that you’re going to ask them some questions about what happened. Geneva wants to get back to her school but I said she’d have to wait.”
    “I have some tests,” Geneva said.
    Lakeesha tsked a sound through her white teeth.
    Robinson continued, “Geneva’s parents are out of the country. But they’re getting the next flight back. Her uncle’s been staying with her while they’ve been away.”
    “Where are they?” Rhyme asked. “Your parents?”
    “My father’s teaching a symposium at Oxford.”
    “He’s a professor?”
    She nodded. “Literature. At Hunter.”
    Rhyme chided himself for being surprised that a young girl from Harlem would have intellectual, globe-trotting parents. He was angry for stereotyping but mostly piqued that he’d made a flawed deduction. True, she was decked out like a gangsta but he might’ve guessed she had academic roots; she’d been attacked during an early-morning visit to a library, not hanging out on the street corner or watching TV before school.
    Lakeesha fished a package of cigarettes out of her purse.
    Rhyme began, “There’s no—”
    Thom walked through the doorway. “—smoking in here.” He lifted the pack away from the girl and stuffed it back into her bag. Unfazed that two teenagers had suddenly materialized on his watch, Thom smiled. “Soft drinks?”
    “You got coffee?” Lakeesha asked.
    “I do, yes.” Thom glanced at Jennifer Robinson and Rhyme, who shook their heads.
    “I like it strong,” the big girl announced.
    “Do you?” Thom asked. “So do I.” To Geneva: “Anything for you?”
    The girl shook her head.
    Rhyme glanced longingly at the bottle of scotch sitting on a shelf nearby. Thom noticed and laughed. The aide disappeared. To Rhyme’s distress, Patrolwoman Robinson said, “I’ve got to get back to the house, sir.”
    “Ah, you do?” Rhyme asked, dismayed. “You sure you couldn’t stay a little longer?”
    “Can’t, sir. But you need anything else, just gimme a call.”
    How about a babysitter?
    Rhyme didn’t believe in fate but, if he had, he would have noted a deft jab here: he’d taken on the case to avoid the test at the hospital and now was being paid back for the deception by suffering through an immensely awkward half hour or so in the company of two high school girls. Young people were not his forte.
    “So long, Captain.” Robinson walked out the door.
    He muttered, “Yeah.”
    Thom returned a few minutes later with a tray. He poured a cup of coffee for Lakeesha and handed Geneva a mug, which, Rhyme smelled, contained hot chocolate.
    “I took a guess you’d like something anyway,” the aide said. “You don’t want it, you can leave it.”
    “No, that’s fine. Thanks.” Geneva stared at the hot surface. Took a sip, another, lowered the cup and gazed at the floor. Took several more sips.
    “You’re all right?” Rhyme asked.
    Geneva nodded.
    “I am too,” Lakeesha said.
    “He attacked both of you?” Rhyme asked.
    “Naw, not me.” Lakeesha looked him over. “You like that actor broke his neck?” She slurped her coffee, added more sugar. Slurped again.
    “That’s right.”
    “An’ you can’t move nothin’?”
    “Not much.”
    “Keesh,” Geneva whispered. “Chill, girl.”
    “Just, you know, damn.”
    Silence again. Only eight minutes had passed since they’d arrived. It seemed like hours. What should he do? Have

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