her dessert but she quickly pulled her plate out of the way, anticipating his theft.
“Mine,” she told him firmly.
Grayson watched with fascination and jealousy as Stefan slid a hand under his wife’s hair. Her whole body froze at his touch and he was then able to reach across and take a bite of her decadent dessert. The whole table laughed softly and then turned back to Grayson’s issue.
“I think you should give her ideas,” Sierra commented. “Tell her the things that catch your eye when a woman walks by.”
Sasha nodded her head. “Or what should she do when she walks into a bar? I mean, if this new guy actually goes to bars. We don’t know that.”
Grayson ignored all of their comments. Scarlett wasn’t the “bar” kind of woman. “I’ll have him investigated.”
Livia pulled her husband’s hand off of her neck and placed it on the table. “That’s a good idea. Maybe you could find out his likes and dislikes so you can tell Scarlett.”
“Oh, and be sure to tell her what turns a man off when she actually does catch his eye,” Jina added. “I mean, of course she’s going to catch his attention. She’s beautiful and intelligent, brilliant when it comes to designing just about anything. She’s what you men would call a ‘prime catch’, right?”
Grayson glared at each woman as she spoke, then looked to her husband, silently demanding that he get his woman under control. The look he received back from each of the men was basically, “What can I do?”
“She’s not dating this ass,” he commented with feeling.
Malik shook his head. “She’s going to marry someone, old man. And it is going to happen quickly. It would be better if we knew who the guy was and we knew she was going to be safe with him.”
Grayson shifted in his chair. Furious that they were accepting this situation. “She’s not marrying this guy.”
“Why not? You don’t know anything about him. He might be perfect for her.”
Grayson felt as if he might just punch one, or all, of his friends. They hadn’t had a good brawl since…well, since Scarlett came into their lives. But right now, he was more than willing to break all of their faces, his fury was just too strong.
“I’ll find all of his skeletons.”
“And in the meantime, you’ll help her?” Livia asked. “I mean, if this guy isn’t the right one for her, then she’s going to want to find another man, right? One day, she’s going to fall in love with someone but she won’t know how to entice him because she’s…” she almost said she’s been in love with Grayson for the past ten years but stopped herself. “Well, because she’s beautiful, inside and out, and deserves a good man. Someone who will love her with all of his heart and soul. Someone who will hold her in his arms when she’s sad and a guy she wants to turn to when she’s happy.”
They all stared at Grayson because that’s exactly what Scarlett had with him even though neither would admit their feelings for each other. No matter what happened in Scarlett’s life, Grayson was the man she turned to for all of her emotional needs. They were practically husband and wife already, just not acknowledging their feelings for one another. At least not to each other.
“I’ll find her a man,” he finally said.
The others all sighed with frustration. For a long moment, it had looked like Grayson was going to announce that he would be her man.
Scarlett stepped into the doorway, still fighting back tears but for a whole different reason now. “I don’t need help finding a man,” she explained stiffly, her hands fisted at her sides as she glared at the man she loved so painfully but wouldn’t love her back. “I can find a man on my own and I don’t need some arrogant ass to find him for me.”
With that, she spun around on her heel and almost ran down the elaborate palace hallway to the room she’d
Emily Snow, Heidi McLaughlin, Aleatha Romig, Tijan, Jessica Wood, Ilsa Madden-Mills, Skyla Madi, J.S. Cooper, Crystal Spears, K.A. Robinson, Kahlen Aymes, Sarah Dosher