opened up
to me. “I love her Damien,” I confess again, willing to shout it to whoever
will listen.
Damien punches me lightly
on the arm and tells me, “Well then you need to start bringing her around more
so I can see what you love so much about her.”
“I don’t know D. I can’t
have you falling in love with my woman.”
He laughs for a couple
seconds, then switches subjects. “Yeah, yeah, Ray Ray. Your taste is so much
better than mine right? Please, you got your taste from me. I’m the master.
But, anyway, how are you feeling now after everything?”
Damien pulls me down to
the porch swing and stands protectively with his arms crossed, over me. His
dark sunglasses make his eyes unreadable, but I know that if he were to remove
them, they would be dark with concern.
I wipe nonexistent sweat
from my forehead as I replay everything I saw last night. I also remember D’s
last words to me, that there was still more that I needed to know. When enough
time had passed, I answer, “I have mixed emotions about it, but I think that I
understand why he does it, even if I don’t agree. I mean, if that is the
reputation that daddy needs to uphold, then when does it stop? Shit Damien, I
might as well have a mob boss for a father. He’s playing a dangerous game and
if he loses, then what are we left with?”
“You’re right. It is a
dangerous game and it’s one that Jason has been playing for a long time. People
respect and fear him. He,”
“If he’s so respected,
then how the fuck did his people get mailed back to him in pieces!” I have to
lower my voice as I continue. “There will always be someone else willing to do
what it takes to obtain power,” I finish angrily as I understand what Selene
was telling me about her brutal rape. Her father’s lust for power was so great
that he sacrificed his own daughter. In the end, what would my own dad be
capable of?
“I’m sorry Rayne. I
shouldn’t have tried to come over here convincing you of something you know to
be untrue.” He sits down beside me. “I really did want to make sure you were
okay. You know I love you, but I can’t protect you from everything, and there
are things you still need to know.”
I laugh almost
hysterically and D gives me a frown, but I don’t care if he thinks I’m crazy.
“Look man, I’m really not ready for any more revelations. Seriously, I need a
couple days before I hear everything else.”
“Rayne-“ he starts, then
shuts himself up.
“It’s becoming obvious to
me that daddy is not transparent when it comes to his business dealings and
also the technology that he’s making. If he wants me to see weapons of death
and destruction and have me learn about shady business dealings, then he can
tell me himself. You don’t need to be doing his dirty work.”
“There’s more to it than
that. There are things that you need to know about what’s going on in the world
if you are to be safe.” With that, Damien looks up toward the door as Selene
opens it gently.
Selene steps out on the
porch looking every bit like a Brazilian model. Adriana Lima doesn’t stand a chance.
I’d expected Damien to be giving her the same eye as me, but when I turn to
face him, prepped to say something smart, I see that he’s taken off his
sunglasses and is sporting a judgmental frown. It’s hard to understand the
point of the staring contest between him and Selene and as I get ready to
speak, Selene opens her mouth.
“Good morning, Damien. I
see that you’re one that stole my Rayne from me. When I woke up alone, I was
worried, especially after all that had been revealed last night.” Her accent is
thick with