The Vampire Laird (A Ravynne Sisters Paranormal Mystery/Romance)

The Vampire Laird (A Ravynne Sisters Paranormal Mystery/Romance) by Merabeth James Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Vampire Laird (A Ravynne Sisters Paranormal Mystery/Romance) by Merabeth James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Merabeth James
smile…which made him all the madder. “That may have been the biggest mistake of your life, honey. You’re going to need a friend before you get out of here.” And with that he grabbed John’s arm and stormed out.
    “Well, I don’t think that helped much. In fact, we probably made another enemy in a place where we have more than enough of those already,” Charlie told Meg dryly.
    “We don’t need those kind of friends, Charlie. Let’s get out of here and take a walk along the cliffs. We both need a bit of fresh sea air.”
    “First a quick trip to the lavey, then we’ll go. That will also give them time to clear out before we leave in case they’re hanging around outside.”
    Moments later they stepped out into the last of the light. Following a path that led west to the cliffs, they looked around at the sweep of moors then up to the purple mountain peaks that were catching the last of the sun’s rays. The castle was awash with gold as it stood sentinel on its high rise, as it had for centuries, against invaders of one kind or another. The manor was ablaze with its own lights and Charlie said thoughtfully, “Mr. Marley is an interesting adversary, Meg, powerful and cunning. You heard what Tex said? He has an airfield and pretty much controls what comes in and out of this area.”
    “I wonder if Allyn’s there now?”
    “He said that Allyn and Orianna wouldn’t be back till very late. Unusual hours was how he described it.”
    “If she is a vampire…I’m only saying if… she would have to sleep during the day, wouldn’t she?” Meg asked.
    “In her dirt filled coffin from somewhere in Transylvania? That is the legend novels and Hollywood has conjured up. If there is such a thing as vampires, I would imagine there would be all types just like there are all types of people,” Charlie told her.
    “You killed my vampire with a stake through its heart, remember?”
    “Meg…I never wanted to have to tell you this, but your ‘vampire’ was a black yard bag full of lawn clippings. I wanted you to sleep at night without the garlic thing. It was making me sick. In fact, you quite ruined me for Italian food in case you haven’t noticed that by now.”
    “Oh!” Meg replied wistfully. “All this time you let me believe….”
    “It was for your own good and then I just didn’t have the heart to tell you. Anyway…whatever we’re up against here, it’s not likely to be a yard bag.”
    “All this time…..”
    “Let it go, Meg. Listen…you can hear the sea hammering against the cliff.”
    They walked to the edge and looked out over the open expanse of water that was still lit by the sun’s afterglow. The sky along the horizon was saffron and orange while deep purple and indigo clouds pushed across from the east. Below them, the darkening water crashed on granite boulders and broke across the base of the cliff in a frothy white tumult. It was simply magnificent! The wind was cool as it washed over them tugging at their hair and flattening their jeans against their legs. A full moon was rising from behind a bank of dark clouds and silvering the landscape in all directions. Suddenly, they heard a howl.
    “That almost sounded like one of your ‘howls’,” Charlie said with a laugh.
    “I’ve been known to give into that impulse from time to time during a full moon and just for the fun of it, but that was the worst imitation of a wolf I ever heard! Not that I ever really heard a wolf before except, you know, on television and the movies and…”
    “I think I read somewhere that wolves have been extinct in Scotland for more than two hundred years. So…maybe we have company. Perhaps the pub stud who likes to surprise women?”
    “What do we do now?”
    “Walk back to the manse and go to bed as planned.”
    “And if he tries any funny business?”
    Charlie gave her a dark smile. “He won’t think it’s so funny, believe me.”
    “But you don’t have your gun?”
    “There are a whole lot of

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