The Velvet Glove
to emanate from the plump figure through the atmosphere. Kate sensed that for the moment, anyway, she had won in the subtle battle of feminine jealousies.
    It was only later, when the guests had departed, and Kate was alone in the bedroom before Rick joined her, that her encounter with Mrs Wade fully registered. Obviously whether Linda’s former relationship with Ferris had been merely one of intimate friendship or something more serious, the ex-actress had no intention of abandoning what influence she still might have.
    And from that moment Kate was fiercely resentful. Rick ’s life was hers now. She was mistress of Woodgate House, and did not intend to allow any other woman to have a say in their mutual existence. She might not love Rick, but he excited and fulfilled her, and one day, who knew? If he went into politics or was sufficiently successful in the number of newspapers and business ventures he had interests in, he might receive a knighthood. Then she would become Lady Ferris, and enjoy the triumph of facing Jon on an equal footing.
    The picture acted like strong wine in her blood. Her eyes shone bright through the dark lashes, her cheeks had a rich peach glow from the rose-shaded lamplight. When Rick entered minutes later he was amazed once more, almost shocked by her beauty, and wonder stirred in him that she could really be his. This was an emotion he had so far managed to hide. Women, he ’d found, in his thirty-six years, were contradictory creatures, and could be capricious if allowed to become too sure of a man.
    So that evening was like so many others of lovemaking with his young wife, holding no expression of ardour in words – merely a deep sensuous coming together that left them at last at peace, though fleeting half-formed memories of Jon merged in Kate’s mind, fading eventually into sleep.

    The first discordant note in the Ferris household occurred when Kate expressed a dislike of attending the Wentworth wedding.
    ‘ It would really be so embarrassing ,’ she told her husband. ‘With Aunt Blacksley being there – so drab and – and looking just what she is—’
    ‘ The mother of the bride,’ Rick interrupted with what his wife should have detected as a dangerous edge to his voice.
    ‘ By adoption,’ came the sharp correction. ‘No one knows who Cassie’s real mother was. And anyway the Wentworths are high church. Aunt Blacksley wouldn’t know how to act. Her husband was Methodist . A minister. There’s always ill-feeling between Free Church and anything veering towards Catholicism. And—’
    Rick sighed. ‘For Heaven’s sake, Kate, be reasonable. We’re talking of a wedding ceremony that should unite the Barringtons with the Wentworths. And Mrs Blacksley is all the family Cassandra has.’
    ‘ It isn’t only that – the religious difference,’ Kate persisted stubbornly. ‘It’s the church – that tiny chapel place. You know how I get claustrophobia in small places, and—’
    Rick ’s eyebrows shot up. ‘I know nothing of the sort. It’s the first I’ve heard of it.’
    ‘ Well I do. I’d feel stifled and miserable, and there’ll probably be an incense smell. That always makes me feel sick, and I know it would be better for Cass if I wasn’t there.’
    ‘ Now, my love, you’re being quite ridiculous. It’s settled. We’re going. To refuse would be downright rude and it’s important to me to be thought well of in the district. So forget your doubts and qualms. Be a good girl and settle for something suitable and charming to wear, and look forward to the champagne and confetti and a happy day instead of glooming about having to take second place for once.’
    Kate ’s eyes widened. She stared at him astonished. He had an expression on his face she’d never seen before – searching, almost grim as though for the first time he was reaching her most secret thoughts.
    ‘ What do you mean? Second place?’ she asked, catching her breath

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