The Virginity Mission

The Virginity Mission by Cate Ellink Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Virginity Mission by Cate Ellink Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cate Ellink
When we start, I won’t be stopping.” To punctuate that, his tongue slips around the inner shell of my ear and my knees turn to rubber. I sag against him. His tongue caress is moist, heated arousal. A gentle soft method of ensuring I’m his to command. I’ll do anything he asks while he has me captivated.
    Much as I love being his sexual captive, I also like being in control. I like taking the lead in a kiss and giving myself time to savour the experience.
    When he finishes and I stop panting, I bite my lip, close my eyes, and take my courage in hand. I rub against his body before stretching up and sliding my lips across his. The reaction is instantaneous. He hauls me against him and our mouths mash together in the most searing kiss of my life. His lips burn. His body scalds. His tongue lashes fire. I can’t get close enough. I open myself to his kiss, mouth wide for his tongue, as I part my legs and slide against his body. His cock throbs against me. I roll my hips into the steely hardness. Just as I’m overheating, cool air hits me. Jason pulls away.
    â€œGo, Chicken Shit.” His words are tight. His breath coming in gasps. “Go before I forget I don’t want a show.” He gives me a tense smile as he runs his fingers across his face. “I’ll see you in seventeen days. Don’t make me wait twenty, will you?”
    I could melt on the spot. Don’t make him wait? Good grief. It’s as if he’s desperate for me. Yet he’s turning to walk away when I can barely manage to stand, much less walk.
    I won’t be slowing the pace down now. I have an incentive to be at the end of the walk at the exact time we planned. If it kills me, I’ll make it. In eighteen days I’ll be sprawled beneath him and I’ll know what his sweat tastes like, what those muscles feel like, and I can lose this dreaded virginity.
    â€œGoodnight, Jason.” My words are a puff of breath escaping the fog of my lungs. He turns and walks back the two steps he’d taken. With his eyebrow raised, he winks and drops the tiniest kiss to my lips before walking into the darkness. My lips, still tingling from the last kiss, seem to be fizzing now.
    Being such a mature, experienced woman, I remain propped against the tree, unable to move. My heart flutters like a terrified sparrow, my legs wobble and my brain screams silently. The silent screams alternate between exhilaration that this man likes me, and curses that I’m leaving him for seventeen days—how stupid.

    My dreams are filled with muscles, kisses, sweat and Jason. I’m reluctant to leave but I have no real excuse to stay. My pack is heavy but comfortable as we head off on our long trip. There’s an air of excitement amongst my group, as being the most gung-ho we’re travelling the furthest, confident we’ll achieve our goal of getting to Devil’s Thumb, the tallest peak on the local maps. We’ve packed sensibly, leaving excess gear at base camp. We’ve bundled the gear we need for the mangrove sojourn and it’s ready to be driven to meet us there. We’ve planned well and are confident of success. Well, the rest of the group is.
    Our days fall into a routine—we walk all day. The topographic maps we’re using for navigation are inaccurate once in the dense rainforest. Created from aerial surveys they must never have been ground-truthed. Some days we walk all day and, according to the maps, traverse four kilometres. In actual fact we have walked up and down about eight or ten hills; hills that aren’t marked on the map, masked by larger hills overshadowing what lies below. Those days we think our task impossible. Luckily, there are other days when the journey’s exactly as it appears on the map, or when we go further than expected. Each morning we don’t know what sort of day we’ll have.
    The rainforest is incredible. If you look at it from above,

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