THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2)

THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2) by John Price Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2) by John Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Price
in control
of the power centers of America. Read on.

    2. How They Did It – America’s Media/Entertainment Establishment

            Once students
who were obviously pro-Marxist in their views were identified, their Marxist professors
guided them into their future careers. Some for public service in elected and
appointed offices, some for theological training in liberal seminaries, some to
companies that would be friendly to promoting them into corporate leadership,
some for journalism jobs reporting the news to the nation, others to Broadway
and Hollywood. How many Hollywood movie stars are blatantly, unabashedly left
of center or even declared Marxists? Did that just happen, or was it the result
of other Marxists insuring that young actors would only be hired and star in
movies if they had the “correct” Marxist beliefs? The goal of America’s
university Marxists was to move Marxist students into careers where they could
shape America’s future in the centers of power. If 80-90% of America’s media
and entertainment reporters/stars belonged to say, the Mormon Church, or were
members of the same fraternity or sorority, the world would ask how that could
possibly happen, unless it were orchestrated to happen by others? Marxists have
done a masterful, well-organized job of recruiting and promoting their fellow
Marxists. Why? For the purpose of a takeover of America from the inside .
journalism schools were stocked with Marxist instructors and professors who
carefully guided their students to be “ change
agents ” for America. They were instructed that if they wanted to have a
‘positive effect’ on their nation, they should report and shape the news in
their future journalistic careers to move the nation towards liberal (“Marxist”)
goals. How else can the fawning liberal mainstream media establishment be
explained? There is no way that so many in the nation’s centers of media could
think alike and report alike except that they were trained and educated alike.
The Media Research Center found that 81 percent of America’s journalists voted
for the Democratic presidential candidate in every election between 1964 and
1976. In 1972, 81% voted for liberal George McGovern. In 1976, 81% voted for
liberal Jimmy Carter. Rothman and Lichter asked journalists to say if the other
journalists they worked with were right of center, only 8% were said to be in
that category, a margin of twelve to one. Similar voting studies showed heavy
media voting margins for former Presidents Clinton and Obama.

            The fact that
America’s mainstream media is liberal will come as no surprise to anyone paying
attention. What has been truly amazing, though, has been the almost total lack
of background investigation and reporting into the prior life of the current
President. It’s a Takeover . There has
been a conspiracy to takeover America. If the President was a Republican, a
conservative or an evangelical, does any person think we would not know about
his birth, his upbringing, his grades in school, his prior writings, his links
to political radicals and who mentored him to believe what he believes today?
What we know about the occupant of the Oval Office is almost nothing. Nada.
Zilch. How could that happen unless Marxists in the media worked together to
protect the candidate seeking election as President, who was also a Marxist?
How else can it be explained? But, how do we know that the President is a

    3. How They Did It – America’s Political Establishment

purportedly voted twice to elect the current President of the United States. No
prior President has ever been suspected of having Marxist beliefs. It’s a
serious charge to say that any American is a Marxist. How do we know that the
President is in fact a Communist? Think about the following:

    Four key people (I’m not using names for

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