The White Fox Chronicles

The White Fox Chronicles by Gary Paulsen Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The White Fox Chronicles by Gary Paulsen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gary Paulsen
moving down the hill. “What are you doing standing around up here talking? We’ve got a war to fight.”

    C olonel Wyman was a tall man. His hair was almost silver and his eyes were bright blue. When he had finished debriefing Toni, he asked to see Cody.
    Cody had eaten a large meal and then gone out exploring the base. He couldn’t believe the number of guns, planes and missiles. When he had been captured, the CCR had told him that the United States military had been completely crushed and that the new Republic had absolute control.
    He felt a tap on his shoulder. “Excuse me, sir, the colonel will see you now.” A young sergeant led him to a large brown tent with open flaps.
    Toni was just coming out. She looked around. “Well? What do you think?”
    “You were right. It’s great.”
    “I’m headed over to medical.” She held up her arm. “Maybe this time I can get it put back together and keep it that way. When you get through talking to the colonel, come see me.”
    Cody nodded and followed the sergeant inside the tent. The colonel was seated at a table talking to his aide. When he saw Cody he rose and walked around the table to shake his hand. “Come in, young man. Major McLaughlin tells me you are responsible for helping her escape and for saving her life on several occasions.”
    “I guess we were lucky.”
    “Lucky?” The colonel laughed and turned to the aide. “Did you hear that, Jeff? The boy is modest.”
    The aide nodded. “Yes, sir. I’d say so.”
    Colonel Wyman indicated a chair. “Sit down, son. I’ve got a few questions to ask you.”
    Cody hesitated. The small chair in Sidoron’s interrogation room flashed through his mind. He took a deep breath and forced himself to sit.
    The colonel sat also. “I understand that you’ve been a prisoner for quite some time?”
    “Yes, sir. Almost a year and a half.”
    “And during that time you learned to speak the Republic language fluently?”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “Can you give us the details of how these camps are run? What is the general layout …”
    The colonel asked questions for another hour about Cody’s life as a prisoner while the aide took notes. A few times the colonel asked the same question in a different form. Cody knew it was to see if he would trip himself up or if he was really what he claimed to be.
    Finally the colonel stood up. “Well, I guess that about covers it, son. We can’t thank you enough for helping the major the way you did. She was carrying some vital information. You can be very proud of yourself.”
    Cody looked up at the tall man. “So what happens now?”
    “Now I’ll send for someone to escort you toa tent where you can get some rest. You’re probably worn out from your journey.”
    “And then what?”
    The colonel scratched his head. “Then we’ll try and relocate you. We have several thousand families living in the hills near here. I’m sure any one of them would be more than happy to take you in.”
    “That’s it? The major thought you might use me as an interpreter or something. I’d like to help in any way I can.”
    The colonel smiled indulgently. “Maybe in a couple of years, son. Right now let’s give the old-timers a chance, okay?”
    Cody chewed on his bottom lip thoughtfully. Finally he stood and extended his hand. “It’s been a pleasure, Colonel. If you’ll have someone show me to my tent …”
    “Certainly.” The older man shook his hand again, then stepped outside and gave the waiting sergeant the order.
    Cody followed the young man to a long tent with neat rows of cots set up inside. He waited until the soldier left and then darted across the camp to the medical tent.
    “Can I help you?” A nurse holding a clipboard stopped him at the door.
    “Uh, yeah. I’m looking for Major McLaughlin. She told me she’d be in here.”
    The nurse pointed to a door. “She’ll be in there resting. The doctor just set her arm.”
    “Thanks.” Cody turned and hurried

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