The Wild Belle

The Wild Belle by Lora Thomas Read Free Book Online

Book: The Wild Belle by Lora Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lora Thomas
now, so I can continue my swim.” The impatience in his voice was clear.
    “Now see here. You have no idea who I am—”
    “You’re that Earl. I’m Andi by the way,” she interrupted.
    He closed his eyes and took a slow controlling breath. He opened them and watched as she swirled the water with her foot. His eyes traveled up her well-toned calf to her knee. He noticed that her pants were rolled up to avoid touching the refreshing water.
    “Andi? Why on earth would you have a male name?” He held up his hand to halt her answer. “Never mind. I think you should leave now, Andi, because I have no intention of helping you ease your curiosity about the male body.”
    She tilted her head sideways, looking at him. Careening her neck to give the appearance of trying to see him though the water, she said, “You will.”
    He turned slightly to keep her prying eyes from viewing his body. “Will I?”
    “Yes. Ya see, you’re floatin’ right overtop of Ole Cecil.”
    “Who, pray tell, is that?”
    “A gator.”
    “A gator?”
    “Yeah, most don’t like these cold waters, but not Ole Cecil—he likes ‘em. Either way I’ll see ya naked. Whether you’re alive or dead.”
    Michael looked into Andi’s eyes and couldn’t tell if she was joking or not, but he wasn’t taking any chances. He let out a faint curse and began swimming towards the shore. This was one of the few reasons why he hated these trips—the women, in one form or another. There were either not enough of them or too many, but never had he had any be so bold . . . until now.
    “Swim faster, he’s after ya’,” Andi hollered at Michael, with urgency to her voice. “Go! Go! Go! He’s about ta get ya!”
    He kept his current pace. If there was an alligator after him, he could not outswim it. As he neared the shore he turned, allowing his body to stay submerged in the shallow water. His eyes scanned the water for the alligator.
    “He’s right there!” Andi yelled excitedly. She stood, bobbed up and down in an excited manner and pointed several feet out in front of him.
    “Damn it to hell,” Michael mumbled as he stood and walked out of the water.
    Andi’s eyes grew wide at the sight of his naked body. As she studied his well-toned, muscular body, a funny feeling arose deep inside her, as though her body were becoming consumed by flames. Try as she might she just couldn’t tear her eyes away from his magnificent physique. He was perfect! His chest was broad and muscular. There was a dark patch of hair in the center. Her eyes followed the dark hair downwards until it reached his manhood. Her eyes grew wide at the sight. Never had she imagined that it would look like that or be that large! She swallowed nervously. Old Amos’s shout broke the spell that held her eyes in place. She tore her eyes away and quickly climbed out of the tree. Grabbing her discarded shoes, she untied Comet. She was on the horse’s back in an instant and disappeared into the brush.
    Michael turned toward the voice.
    “Mr. Michael?” Old Amos appeared. Amos took in the younger man’s naked form and a small smile crossed his face. His “tee hee” laugh was followed by, “You expectin’ someone?”
    Michael looked to Old Amos, then to the tree, then back down at his naked form. “No. I thought I saw an alligator.”
    Old Amos slowly shook his head. “There ain’t no gators in these waters. It’s too cold fer yer pod, sa ya know it’s too cold fer gators.”
    A small chuckle escaped from Michael. “Yes, I suppose so,” he replied, turning to look at the live oak again, agitated, realizing that Andi had gotten her wish.
    “Better put yer clothes on,” Old Amos told him. The older man walked over to the bench and tossed Michael’s clothing at him. “Don’t wanna give Miss Mandy the vapors when she sees that,” he said, pointing at Michael’s well-endowed manhood.
    Michael gave Old Amos an exasperated look and quickly dressed. Once finished,

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