This Alien Shore

This Alien Shore by C.S. Friedman Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: This Alien Shore by C.S. Friedman Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.S. Friedman
People might hate the Guild—most did—but who would risk being blacklisted for life, just to hurt one of their pilots? Not any people who had stations in the outlands; the risk of being cut off from the ainniq was too terrible even to contemplate. Some isolated planet, perhaps? But no, there were none who were so independent of the Guild system that they could afford to risk complete isolation. Even Earth, a full three years’ distant from the nearest transport line, had a host of commercial interests which would collapse if the outworlds became inaccessible.
    So perhaps a single programmer was responsible. Some would-be terrorist perhaps, or a hyperactive prankster. There had certainly been enough of both in recent history. But a terrorist would have declared his intentions by now, and as for an amateur effort ... the level of sophistication required in this case made such a source highly unlikely. The Guild’s antibody programs were among the best in the outworlds—Masada knew, having helped design them—and besides, for a virus to attack an outpilot’s brainware like that, it would have to have detailed knowledge of the programs it was infecting. Who would have access to that kind of knowledge besides the Guild itself? It was an intriguing puzzle.
    â€œWhy me?” he said at last.
    The Guildsman leaned back slightly, as if this new phase in their negotiations required some new posture. “We need someone from outside the Guild. Partly for a new perspective, but mostly ...” His lips tightened; a muscle along the line of his jaw tensed. “The creator of this virus will have to be punished, severely enough that no one is tempted to follow in his footsteps. Whether it’s one man or a group of men responsible—or even an entire planet—the Guild will cut them off from all contact with the human worlds for as long as they exist. That isn’t going to be a popular move, Dr. Masada, as I’m sure you can imagine. We’ve blacklisted men before, but never on such a scale. Before taking such a drastic step we need to be absolutely sure who we’re punishing and why ... and we need to have the justice in this matter clear enough that no questions are raised regarding our motives, or the nature of our investigation. We need an outsider of impeccable reputation, someone whose work is respected throughout the human realms, someone whose kaja is incapable of subterfuge. In short, Dr. Masada, we need you.”
    â€œI’m Gueran,” he reminded the man. “And Guera and the Guild are synonomous, as far as many are concerned. Wouldn’t you be better off with a true outsider, whose allegiance wouldn’t be questioned?”
    â€œIndeed we would. But whoever does this work for us must have access to the Guild’s own files, and there are no ‘true outsiders’ we would trust with that. So we compromise.” He paused. “You’ve earned our highest security clearance, Dr. Masada. You helped design the very programs we’re fighting to protect. And the iru is known for its objectivity. Who could we possibly find more qualified than you?” When Masada said nothing, he pressed, “Are you interested?”
    As always, the nantana’s insistence on questioning the obvious irritated him. “What are the conditions?”
    â€œYou’ll have full access to the details of our own investigation, and to the Guild members in charge. You can have an assistant if you want—”
    Another nantana? God forbid. “I work alone.”
    The Guildsman bowed his head. “As you wish. Needless to say, all your expenses will be covered, all equipment you require will be supplied, any support which you request will be provided. And of course, being part of the outernet, you’ll have access to unlimited data—”
    Masada stiffened. “Part of the outernet?”
    For a moment the Guildsman was silent. No doubt he

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