This London Love

This London Love by Clare Lydon Read Free Book Online

Book: This London Love by Clare Lydon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clare Lydon
all-out decimation of stock. An early morning dash to the flower market was needed tomorrow, which meant an equally early night. Still, she wasn’t complaining.
    She was out the back of the shop when she heard a rat-a-tat-tat on the front door. She poked her head out, just about to tell whoever it was that she wasn’t open, but then she spotted her brother, Jamie. Who, like her, was also gay. There had never been a nature/nurture debate in her family.
    Meg cracked a smile as she sauntered across the shop and unlocked the door. Her brother greeted her with a hug and a kiss, his newly grown designer stubble alien against her chin.
    “I don’t know how women put up with this.” Meg pinched Jamie’s cheek.
    “I don’t either, but the men love it.” Jamie followed Meg into the shop and leaned against the counter as she went out back.
    “What are you here for, anyway?” Meg shouted, before reappearing with her black tote bag. “If you wanted Mum, she left about an hour ago. And I’m just off.”
    “And that’s the welcome I get? I hope you’re nicer to your other customers.”
    “They’re normally buying something, so of course I’m nice to them.”
    While Meg and Olivia were tall and blonde, Jamie was tall and ginger — just as their maternal grandfather had been. Meg had always loved Jamie’s hair, a rich, deep copper colour. Jamie ran his own property developing business and, bucking perceived gay stereotypes, was also the handiest man Meg knew. In a DIY emergency, Jamie was her first port of call.
    “So, by process of elimination — you’re here to see me?” Meg flexed her neck as she asked.
    Jamie nodded. “I was in the area sizing up a property for a client, so wondered if you fancied a drink, or can I tempt you for dinner? My treat, because if this property comes off, I’m going to be a happy and rich man. For at least two months.”
    Meg put her hand on her hip and smiled at her brother. “When you put it like that, how can a girl resist?”
    Half an hour later they were sitting in the Chinese restaurant down the road, crunching on prawn crackers and sipping bottles of Tsingtao.
    “So tell me again. A woman comes in wanting flowers for her dead uncle’s funeral and you want to jump her bones?” Jamie grinned broadly.
    “You make me sound awful — ‘jumping her bones’ isn’t exactly how I’d describe it.” Meg took a sip of her beer.
    Jamie smirked. “No? Then how would you describe it?”
    Meg thought about it for a moment. “I’d like to get to know her better, she seemed really lovely.”
    “And then jump her bones?”
    Meg grinned. “Yeah, pretty much.”
    “And she’s gay?”
    Meg nodded. “I’d bet my house on it.”
    “And she’s coming back in again?”
    Meg nodded again.
    “So what’s the problem? Ask her out.”
    Meg rolled her eyes. “That might be the protocol in gayman world, but in lesbo-land we have to feel out the terrain, make sure there are no obstacles.”
    Jamie ran his hand over his stubble. “Like an assault course?” He didn’t sound convinced.
    “Obstacles as in girlfriends. And in my experience, where this sort of woman is concerned, there normally is.”
    “This sort of woman?”
    “Stylish, good-looking, funny, smart. Probably also married with a baby.” Meg paused. “It’s still weird that we can get legally married now, isn’t it? Weird in a good way.”
    “A very good way,” Jamie said. “But back to the matter in hand — here’s another thought. Possibly, just possibly, she might not be married. Have you thought about that?”
    Meg sighed. “I know — but if that’s true it’s also too scary to contemplate. Because then I’d have to do something .” Meg cupped her chin in her hand, elbows on the table. “So I’m sticking with my story and taking the path of least embarrassment.”
    Jamie laughed as the food arrived and was set down in front of them. “That’s exactly the spirit that will get you laid after

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