Three Hot Wishes (Fantasy Come to Life - Magic in the Real World Novel)

Three Hot Wishes (Fantasy Come to Life - Magic in the Real World Novel) by Elodie Chase Read Free Book Online

Book: Three Hot Wishes (Fantasy Come to Life - Magic in the Real World Novel) by Elodie Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elodie Chase
said, probably very un-Emma like but so what? I wasn't her, and Logan didn't really exist.


    That was what I was going to keep telling myself at least, until I finally started to believe it enough for it to sink in.

    "Is something wrong?" he asked.

    Good question. Excellent question, actually. "No..." I tried to get a coherent thought out of the jumble racing through my head. "I just need to have a shower, that's all."

    He smiled, as if this was a small request for so powerful a man to grant. I suppose it was, really. "By all means," he said, graciously waving his hand in the direction of my bathroom like a prince allowing a pauper to view a part of the kingdom previously off limits to those of such lowly status as I.

    "Gee, thanks," I said, sliding out of bed and scampering off, yelping in equal parts pain and pleasure as his palm lashed out and reddened my ass with a loud crack as he spanked me with enough force to speed my retreat.

    Ouch, I thought to myself, turning around and standing on my tiptoes so that I could see my ass in the bathroom mirror, once I'd closed the door behind me. I could already see his hand print on my skin, and I angrily cranked the water in the shower on to full.

    Who the hell did he think he was, giving me permission to use my own bathroom and smacking my ass on the way past? I shook my head and stepped beneath the water, letting the heat of the spray drive as much of the panic and surprise from my body as it could.

    Somehow, I'd dreamed or written or conjured Logan Mercado into real life. That, or I was crazy.

    I crossed my fingers, praying it was the latter.

    After all, it happened. I knew I'd been putting myself under a lot of pressure, especially with all of the expenses I'd been piling up. Now that I'd decided to rush the next book, the amount of stress I'd put myself under was easily doubled, and I knew that my drinking wasn't helping matters...

    "Please be crazy, please be crazy," I said out loud, begging whoever was in charge of things for a touch of mercy. "I'll never touch another drop of booze or swipe a credit card again if I can just climb out of this shower and find my bedroom empty of imaginary love interests. I've got enough going on in my life right now, and I'll gladly take a nervous breakdown over whatever the alternative is."

    Then, both to kill time and since I was already here, I washed my hair. Never hurts, you know. Might as well be clean when coming to terms with either the edge of your own sanity or the possibility that your protagonists want to sleep with you. I soaped up and scrubbed down and even used the loofah a little.

    Anything to avoid the reality of what may very well be waiting for me once I went back into the bedroom.

    I guess it was time to let myself think about that, actually. If he was there and I wasn't crazy, then...

    What? Just go with it?

    Yeah, why not? I shrugged. After all, what harm would I be doing?

    Probably none.

    Still, I supposed I better get out there and see what there was to see. I turned off the water and got out, toweling off and throwing on a robe. Sure, he'd already seen me naked, but that didn't mean I was just going to go parading around in front of him like some trollop romance writer who thought she'd slipped into some parallel universe.

    I sucked in a deep breath and then threw the bathroom door open, only to find the bedroom beyond as empty as it always was.

    "Hello?" I asked, somehow feeling even more of a fool. For some reason I'd already started to accept the fact that he was real, and now that he wasn't there I didn't know what to do.

    Get back to writing and stop all of this nonsense, I supposed...

    I looked at the bed and saw quite clearly that the other side of the bed, 'his' side, I guess you could call it, had clearly been slept in.

    Maybe I'd done that when I got up and had my hallucination,

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