Throwing Love #3 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #3)

Throwing Love #3 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #3) by Nella Tyler Read Free Book Online

Book: Throwing Love #3 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #3) by Nella Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nella Tyler
closely by my father. I could only imagine
that Bennett was absolutely mortified to have him there – especially with
me naked in the next room. I cracked the door open a bit and could see my
father standing there looking about as angry as I had ever seen him. I stood
there in complete silence, trying to catch every word that was spoken.
    “I want to know, Mr. Thomas, why the hell you weren't at
practice today? And what's worse is that after talking with your coach, it
turns out you haven't been at practice in quite some time. So what the hell do
you have to say for yourself?”
    Bennett's face had grown a bright red. “Sorry, Sir, I can
    “Well, I certainly hope so.”
    My stomach churned not only for myself, but for Bennett. He
must be terribly embarrassed to have my father of all people show up at his
home and reprimand him. I also felt sick because I knew it was partly my fault.
It was because of me that Bennett was missing his practices and although I had
never asked him to, I never stopped spending time with him in the morning,
either. I was partly to blame and I hoped my father never found that out as he
would be so disappointed in me. He would be disappointed that my relationship
with Bennett was affecting Bennett's career, especially since my father was
interested in adding him to his own team.
    “Look, Sir, I am very sorry, you are absolutely right. I
should have been at every practice, but I had some personal issues come up and
I had been under a lot of stress with the recent accusations. I was just trying
to take some time off to deal with it. I thought my hand was good enough to
keep me on top without the practices. But I intended on being there next week.”
    “I can't tell you how disappointed I am in you. You should
know better than this, and here I am at the game to evaluate the team and the
star pitcher is nowhere to be found.”
    Oh God,
Dad. He was really laying it on thick, I felt terrible for Bennett. God, if he finds
me here not only will Bennett be dead, but so will I. I couldn't have been more
grateful that I didn't walk out there with him because my father would be
tearing me a new one, as well. My God, he was just praising me the other week
on my professionalism. That would go down the toilet for sure if he knew that I
was there. My heart was slamming in my chest as I listened to them out there.
    I couldn't believe my father hadn't told me he was going to
be in town. Wasn't he planning on seeing me while he was there? He must have
come to evaluate the minor league players because I knew there were no major
league games to follow right now in the city. He must have gone to see Bennett,
and oh how mad he must have been not to see him at practice. One day was bad
enough, but then he had to find out that he missed four practices. I knew
Bennett shouldn't have been blowing off practices, it looked really poor to
people like my dad. I should have put more pressure on him to go.
    “I can't express to you how sorry I am, Sir, that I was not
there to greet you today. All I can do at this point is assure you that it will
never happen again.”
    The whole time, the coach had stood by silently. I think he
knew that my father pretty much had things under control. Leave it to my dad to
put the fear of God into people.
    “I want to tell you one thing, kid. You do have huge
potential in this industry and you have the opportunity to go far. But if you
are unwilling to put in the hard work to get yourself there, then you are as
good as dead to me. I don't take lazy players. I don't care how much talent
they have, I won't do it, so I suggest you keep that in mind. You aren't signed
to a team yet and I don't imagine any manager would be too impressed with you
right now.”
    Bennett was rendered speechless, and I couldn't blame him
after what my father said. My dad was hardcore and didn't pull any punches with
anyone. He was straight laced and always told it like it was, whether someone
liked it or

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