pause-to-tease, then take it in your mouth again and go back down.
Be noisy. He loves the sounds of sucking, ooohing and aaah-ing, as well as the vibrations of you humming.
Most every guy loves to watch his woman self-pleasure right in front of him, and he loves it even more when he doesn’t have to ask!
Remember: use teeth softly (or ask if he likes nibbling —and how hard.)
Reach up and hold his hand for added intimacy and connection. Squeeze your palms together for several moments.Then put your fingers in his mouth so he can suck, too.Ask him to demonstrate on your fingers what he’d like you to do to him.
Bring his balls into play. Lube them up and caress them gently for the full erotic experience. Lightly tug, squeeze and roll them around in the cup of your hand. Then move on to his taint and butt.
Now break out the vibrators! Give him the wonderful sensation of vibrations along with the soft warm feel of your mouth.
Take your time. Remember, enthusiasm is key. Love what you’re doing!
Sadie Sez:
Live a fantasy of your own! Fulfill YOUR fantasy of being with two men! Have him use your favorite dildo on you while you’re going down on him.
Phase IV: The Eruption
It’s time to reap the reward for your loving caresses and erotic inspiration.
The key to his climax will come from your steady application of the one Golden Technique that works for your guy. Once you discover it, store it away in your memory and you’ll enjoy many happy endings together.
When do you begin the Golden Technique? When you sense he’s getting close to orgasming: faster breathing, louder moaning, tensing muscles, and gasping, “Oh yeah right THERE!!!” Just stay on your Golden Technique with the same speed, rhythm and pressure— and don’t stop! Then when he erupts:
Hand Finish. If you’re not ready to taste him, substitute your hand for your mouth without missing a beat. Use one of the techniques in Chapter 7 as you get more comfortable with the feel of his penis and his orgasm. If you’re not sure when he’s about to come, ask him to tell you.
Lip Finish. With your lips over his head, press your tongue against his peehole. As you stroke him with your hand, let his spurts ricochet left and right off your tongue. You can easily push his love juice out of your mouth, letting it seep down his shaft. He will feel great—and it won’t hit the back of your throat.
Mouth Finish. If you’re ready for him to come inside your mouth, but you don’t want to swallow, try this: aim him toward the inside of your cheek and use the back of your tongue to close off your throat.Then try swallowing a little, or let it all seep out onto his penis in one glorious finish.
Post Eruption. Use this serene time to whisper, “did you enjoy that?” Very gently fondle his penis as you tell him how turned on you are, how good he feels when he comes, how you love the sight of his penis, hard or soft, and why he’s the most delicious thing on this planet.
He will now be very sensitive around the head, although he’ll enjoy your tender kisses beneath it, and the feeling of his penis softening in the warmth of your mouth—as long as you don’t brush your tongue against his now ultra-sensitive head. If you’re up for it, sweetly and slowly lick up some of his come. Watching you will be very exciting for him.
And while he’ll gladly kiss the ground you walk on, he may or may not be too eager to kiss you till you’ve wiped off your mouth. Ask—he’ll tell you.
To Swallow Or Not To Swallow
That is the question, right?
Whether you choose to swallow, or let him come everywhere with great abandon, remember that he LOVES watching you receive his come like sweet nectar.
Swallow Not. It’s entirely up to you, because there are plenty of ways to enjoy his milky shower. It’s okay to say, ‘I don’t feel comfortable swallowing, but I’d love you come on my