Tides of Faith: Travail of The Dark Mage Book Two
station. Novices,
Acolytes, Brothers and Fathers sat about the tables busily
consuming the fare provided. Greetings flowed toward him as he made
his way through the crowded hall. A word here and a nod there
allowed him to continue through to the kitchen area.
    Within, the place was a
bustle of activity. Of the many lessons learned from James,
cleanliness was perhaps the one that had taken root the
most. “Keep it clean, and sickness stays
away.” That statement had proven true.
Scrubbing everything with hot water and soap after every meal had
kept his people healthy with little more than the occasional
stomach flu cropping up now and again.
    He caught sight of Brother Horka
berating a Novice who had apparently failed to remove all
foodstuffs from what the lad claimed to be a pot just cleaned.
Keeping out of the Novice’s line of sight, he drew the Brother’s
attention and nodded to the back room. Pausing in his tirade only
long enough to give acknowledgment, the Brother quickly resumed
haranguing the poor lad.
    The room in which Miko waited was but
one of three storerooms allocated to the kitchen. This one held
barrels of dry goods as well as crates of vegetables. Miko parked
himself upon one containing apples, then proceeded to finish off
the last of the tart. He didn’t have long to wait before his priest
    Once the door closed, he said, “We
leave in three days.”
    “Three days, Reverend
    Miko nodded. “Until then, I need you
to see what you can find out about four bodies found in the
Merchant’s Quarter earlier today. One bore the mark of
    Brother Horka’s eyes widened at the
name of the dark god. “He is stirring again?” Once a priest assumed
the title “Brother,” they were informed about certain past events,
especially those detailing how the priesthood of Dmon-Li had wiped
out their predecessors.
    “Perhaps, though it may have been
someone who once worked for them but does so no longer.”
    “I’ll see what I can dig
    “Good. Also, let it slip that I plan
to visit Black Hawk for a few days. Do not mention when I plan to
leave, just that I am.”
    Brother Horka nodded. “Do you believe
these dead men may have something to do with
    “Until we know otherwise, assume that
they do.”
    “Very well.”
    Hopping off the crate, Miko patted his
priest on the shoulder. “With Morcyth’s aid, we will figure this
    “May He guide us.”
    After leaving the storeroom, Miko
spoke in turn with half a dozen subordinates about matters of
little importance as he wended his way back through the dining
hall. He picked up the last of the tarts and enjoyed it on his way
to his rooms. Having done all he could this night, he spent the
rest of the evening in quiet contemplation of the day’s events and
what the future may hold.
    Later that night, when only the light
of a lone candle held back the shadows, Jira raised her head and
looked to the others with whom she shared the room. Her father and
uncle were fast asleep, and over in his cot, Kip’s form remained
    From beneath her pillow, she brought
forth two small pieces of vegetables taken from this evening’s
repast. Though not much, she hoped the carrot and tuber could be
used to entice an earth spirit to show itself.
    Hopping off her cot, her bare feet
landed upon the cold stone causing a shiver to course through her.
With vegetables in hand, she moved to the end of her cot and knelt
upon the floor. Her clothes did little to shield her knees from the
coldness of the stone and another shiver shook her little
    Upon the stone before her, she laid
the vegetables a hand-span apart. “Little Brothers…,” she
whispered, then cast a furtive look toward the sleeping forms.
Seeing that they remained undisturbed, she tried again.
    “Little Brothers, I have something for
    Kneeling at the foot of her cot, she
waited. Harkening back to when her uncle had done this, she
remembered he

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