To Heal A Heart (Love Inspired)
to the airline per se.”
    “Absolutely not. And I promise to document every contact.”
    “I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that some folks may refuse to speak to you, and you have to respect that.”
    “Of course. It goes without saying.”
    “Then we understand each other.”
    “Yes, sir, I believe we do.”
    “Then I’ll have my secretary send the notifications out early next week.”
    “Thank you, sir.” Mitch rose, aware that he’d infringed on this busy man’s time, and again offered his hand. Adler didn’t bother getting up, just leaned forward and briefly clasped Mitch’s hand again.
    “If you don’t mind me saying so,” Adler began, sitting back again, “you don’t fit my stereotype of a criminal defense attorney.”
    Mitch smiled thinly. “I can swim with the sharks when it’s necessary.”
    “Your track record tells me that. All the more reason for my surprise. You seem a very compassionate sort.”
    “Let me ask you a question,” Mitch proposed. “If you were in legal trouble, guilt or innocence aside, wouldn’t you want a caring, passionate advocate in your corner?”
    Adler’s mouth crooked up. “Point taken.”
    “Thank you again, sir, and if I can ever return the favor, I will, God forbid.”
    Adler chuckled. “Just let me know how it turns out, will you?”
    “As best I can,” Mitch promised.
    Adler inclined his head. “Always the lawyer. Good enough. Tell that lazy old man of yours that I’m still waiting for that golf game he promised me. And be sure to leave your address and phone number with my secretary on your way out.”
    “Will do,” Mitch promised, and went out the door.
    He dropped a business card with the attractive young secretary at the desk in the outer office, wished her a nice day and pushed through heavy glass doors to the private elevator just outside. As the elegant, cherry-paneled car whisked toward the ground below, he thanked God for making this possible. He had to believe that he would soon be looking into the eyes of someone who might really need him right now.
    “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” Piper gasped, bending forward at the hip, her hands on her knees. Straightening, she reached behind her to pull up a toe and loosen her hamstring.
    “I can’t believe you kept up so well,” Melissa said between gulps of air.
    “Oh, please.” Piper brought her hands to her hips, feeling the springy fabric of workout tights beneath her fingertips. “You were running slower than usual.”
    Melissa shook her head. “No way. Well, maybe at first, but only at first.”
    Pleased, Piper lifted an arm over her head and bent sideways from the waist, stretching tight muscles. “I am going to be so sore tomorrow!”
    “Just stretch out again before you go to bed tonight,” Melissa advised, bending and grabbing her ankles. “A little time in the pool wouldn’t hurt, either.”
    “Before or after dinner?”
    “Before. I’ll have Scott grill us some burgers while we loll.”
    “Only if I can bring the buns and fixings.”
    Piper linked her hands behind her and lifted them as high as she could. Melissa straightened and eyed her enviously. “Honestly, I’d kill for that figure.”
    Piper dropped her arms and looked down at herself. “This figure is why I let you browbeat me into getting up at the crack of dawn to pound the pavement.”
    “It’s about health, not looks,” Melissa reminded her. “Not that there’s a vain bone in your body.”
    “Or yours,” Piper returned. “Besides, why would you want to be anything other than what you are when Scott thinks you’re perfect?”
    Melissa grinned. “Why do you think I married him? Hey, how come you’re not with anyone?”
    Piper shrugged. “I never really had the time to meet guys before, and now I wouldn’t have the slightest idea where to look, frankly.”
    Melissa cut her a sideways glance and mopped her face with the tail of her T-shirt. “Then what

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