To Seduce A Siren

To Seduce A Siren by Jane Cousins Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: To Seduce A Siren by Jane Cousins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Cousins
Tags:, Fluffer Nutter
Darcy was just now coming around the side of the house, no
doubt she’d seen her quarry’s leap, as she raised a fist in the air and made
several rude gestures before her shoulders slumped and she returned the way she
came.  Seriously?  Darcy wasn’t even going to check the man was still
useless and agitated Charisse paced the edge of the rock.  What should she
do?  Call the coastguard?  Those guys would all too eagerly take her
call, but in all likelihood her presence nearby would mean they’d be way too
distracted to do their actual jobs.  Damn her Siren soul.
Charisse paced, Bettina squeezed, yanked and dug vicious invisible nails into
their bond, reminding her of a fractious toddler having a temper tantrum
fit.  Stupid diva bitch, everything always had to be about the rock she
supposed.  Absently she started to sing under her breath, anything to calm
the demanding cow whilst she dealt with the problem at hand.  Where was
the body?  The least she could do was note the direction it was floating,
call the authorities and give the poor man’s family some closure. 
the seagulls squawked as the breeze began to pick up, churning the waters,
making it even more difficult for her to see her quarry.
Goddess.  Oh Goddess.  What should she do?  She was on her
umpteenth futile pacing of the rock’s edge when a large, warm, wet hand clasped
her ankle in a grip just shy of bone crushing.  Her shocked scream was so
loud it scared away the seagulls.
Nate pulled himself out of the water, like Adonis rising from the ocean
depths.  His hair slicked back from his chiselled face, water running in
rivulets down over his lean muscular chest and rock hard six pack, his bare
flesh glistening with gold glimmers under the sun’s heated rays.  His
trousers were plastered to his legs like a second skin, whilst his feet were
encased in sturdy work boots.  How he’d managed to swim with those
weighing him down she’d never know.  Absently Nate rubbed his ear and winced. 
“Quite a set of lungs you have on you there Cyd.”
Charisse’s hand was plastered over her racing heart.  “Oh my good Goddess,
you scared me.  First with that lunatic jump and then grabbing my foot,
you… you...”  She leaned over and punched him as hard as she could on the
arm, shaking out her sore hand even as he grinned at her and then
laughed.  Wow, that was some smile.  Made a nice change from all the
frowns and scowls she’d been on the receiving end of at their first meeting.
But it wasn’t enough for her to forget the stupidity of his actions. 
“What were you thinking, diving off Corkscrew point like that?  You could
have died!”
to know someone around here cares.”  Nate shook out his hair, sending
droplets of water flying. 
to Bettina’s scratching and clawing at the bond Charisse was able to keep her
attention focused on his face, rather than follow the progress of several
droplets as they carved a path down that magnificent golden rock hard
chest.  Umm, er, don’t go there Charisse, eyes up remember.  She
shifted on the spot, as a bolt of what felt like heated electricity charged
down the bond, causing her to suck in her breath at the pain that coursed
through her.
okay?”  The frown she’d come to know and… well not love, was back on
Nate’s face as he stared down at her.
I’m fine.”  She had no idea why Bettina was panicking, in fact, here was a
prime - over-sized even - specimen of the male race and Bettina was making no
attempt whatsoever to feed off of him.  Could this day get any weirder?
was eyeing her up and down, noting the sensible worn sneakers on her feet, the
voluminous long sleeved muumuu that covered her from head to toe, the white
smear of zinc sunscreen across her nose, the oversized sunglasses on her face
and the all but obscuring everything large sunhat jammed onto her

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