Too Wild to Wed

Too Wild to Wed by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Too Wild to Wed by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
you, ladies? I need a beer, a lively discussion and some female companionship to bring me back to life. I think that last batch of exam papers I just finished grading had petrified my brain."
    Letty and Molly looked up at Sheldon Peabody who was looming over the table with a hopeful, appealing expression on his handsome face.
    Dr. Sheldon Peabody was thirty-six years old and rather good-looking in a soft, dissipated sort of way. His sandy hair, blue eyes and regular features gave him a boyish charm that he had used to advantage all his life.
    Peabody had started to put on a little weight in recent years and had lost some of the athletic look that had been part of his attractiveness. But the slight paunch around his middle was well concealed tonight by a black pullover that he wore with his jeans.
    Peabody had risen to the rank of associate professor in Tipton's history department. He had not yet gained tenure or a full professorship, however, and people were starting to notice that fact.
    Gossip had started to the effect that Peabody's career advancement was stalled until he got something important into print. He had apparently fallen behind in his research and writing during the past couple of years and had not had any papers published for some time.
    "You can sit down, Sheldon," Molly said politely but without much enthusiasm, "if you promise not to stick us for your beer tab the way you did last time."
    "Thanks." Sheldon dropped carelessly into an empty chair and signaled the waitress for a mug of beer. "What have you got on that pizza?"
    "Anchovies, onions and peppers on what's left of it," Molly told him. "I already ate my half. Help yourself. Letty doesn't seem very hungry tonight."
    Sheldon eyed the remains of the pizza and grimaced. "No thanks. Even if I liked anchovies and onions, which I don't, it looks like there are enough hot peppers on it to set fire to the thing." He turned his winning smile on Letty. "Got your note in my box this afternoon. So you finally changed your mind about attending one of our little conventions at Greenslade Inn, hmm? That's great."
    Letty was not sure she liked the intense satisfaction she saw in Sheldon's eyes. It made her uneasy. But she was committed now. The new Letty was trapped inside, waiting to spring free. "You've been telling me how much fun it is so I've decided to give it a try. If the invitation is still open, that is."
    "Oh, it's definitely still open, my dear. I'll be glad to get you a guest membership for this quarter's convention. I'll even put your name in for full membership in the Order, if you like. About time you let your hair down a little and did some fast living. You'll have a great line. Trust me. I'll see to it personally."
    "Uh, thanks." Letty hid a small shiver of apprehension. It occurred to her that this notion of attending a meeting of the Revelers might not be one of her better ideas after all. Then she thought of that single-page report that had summed up her whole life and she hardened her resolve.
    "Where is this Greenslade Inn?" Molly asked coolly.
    "Down the coast toward the California border." Sheldon smiled genially as his beer was set in front of him. "Great old place. It's all by itself, a couple of miles from the nearest town and it sits right on a cliff overlooking the sea. Lots of atmosphere, you know? Built by some rich timber baron back in the eighteen-hundreds. Even looks something like a castle, which makes it perfect for the Revelers. The management books the entire inn for our use while we're meeting there."
    "It sounds interesting," Letty allowed.
    "'You'll love it," Sheldon assured her. "Say, why don't you and I drive down together tomorrow? No sense taking two cars."
    Letty gnawed briefly on her lower lip as she caught Molly's narrowed glance. "I think I'd rather have my own transportation available, Sheldon. Thank you, anyway."
    "Suit yourself." He shrugged dismissively and took a swallow of beer. "I'm glad you're coming but I'll

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