Tooth and Nail

Tooth and Nail by Craig DiLouie Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Tooth and Nail by Craig DiLouie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Craig DiLouie
“We’re U.S. Army.”
    “Somebody was screaming down the hall earlier tonight. Probably just somebody out of their head with fever, right? But it sounded awful. Like an animal being slaughtered. You might want to check it out. I’d tell a nurse but I haven’t seen one in hours.”
    “How are you feeling, sir? It is bad?”
    “A little better today, thanks. My fever’s broke, but I could use some water—”
    They jump again as they hear the crackle of small arms fire coming from outside the building. Stepping carefully, the soldiers approach the window and peer through the closed blinds to see who is shooting at whom. Far below, they see muzzle flashes and hear the reports.
    Third Squad is lighting somebody up.
    “What the hell, over?” says Wyatt.
    Mooney is starting to feel naked without his rifle.
    “Oh, God,” he says, and runs from the room.
    Wyatt chases after him, finds him retching over a wastepaper basket.
    “I breathed it in,” Mooney says, spitting and trying to catch his breath.
    “I forgot to hold my nose for a second. It was the worst thing I ever smelled in there. Holy shit. It smelled like a rotting grave.”
    “Dude, put your mask back on before you get sick,” Wyatt says nervously.
    “Are you guys all right?” the Lyssa patient calls from the dark room.
    “Don’t leave me alone, okay? Bring me some water, please?”
    “Hey, look at that,” says Wyatt, pointing at the floor.
    The bloodstain begins five feet from them and ends at a pair of doors twenty feet distant. The blood is smeared, as if somebody dragged a mop soaked with blood through the doors.
    “You gotta be kidding,” Mooney says as Wyatt approaches the doors.
    They should be getting back. If Third Squad’s engaged outside, McGraw’s probably mustering the squad. Right about now, he is working himself into a blind rage looking for his AWOL riflemen, chewing his massive handlebar mustache and grinding the molars in that big square jaw of his.
    Mooney also has no interest in seeing what’s on the other side of those doors. What did that guy say?
    Awful, he said. It sounded awful. Like an animal being slaughtered. “We’d better go back,” Mooney says. “McGraw’s gonna kill us.” Wyatt grins. “I’ll just take a quick look. Dude, this place is like a haunted house. Wouldn’t it be cool if there were zombies on the other side of these doors?”
    He presses a button on the wall with the palm of his hand. The doors swing open automatically.

Clear the fucking net
    Jake Sherman, the platoon radio/telephone operator, sits in a janitor’s closet with his feet up on a box containing cheap toilet paper, eating a packet of instant coffee mixed with hot chocolate powder and washing it down with Red Bull while listening to the traffic on the military nets. He started mainlining caffeine after too many sleepless nights in Iraq, and hasn’t yet kicked the habit of getting completely wired while on duty.
    Blackhawk flight, this is War Pig Three directly below you, what’s your call sign?
    War Pig Three, this is Red Baron Two.
    Red Baron Two, request flyover east of us, about three blocks. We hear a high noise level in that direction, possibly a firefight in progress. What is happening at that location? Confirm, over.
    Wait, over. . . . War Pig Three, we see multiple, uh, estimate fifty, civilians at an intersection three blocks north and two blocks east of you. Break. Riot in progress. Break. Some are armed. Break. They appear to be fighting each other. Over.
    Roger that and thanks for the eyes, Red Baron Two. Out.
    Then the excitement is over and the company’s voice traffic quickly returns to the ongoing rhythm of units talking to each other in the night about location, condition, supply and all the other mundane communications required to keep two infantry brigades functioning on the ground in New York. Sherman switches from the company to the battalion net and listens in on the chatter. War Pig (Delta Company) continues

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