Total Immersion

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Book: Total Immersion by Alice Gaines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Gaines
mind. You couldn’t have known.” He tucked Susan’s head under his chin and held her, stroking her back. “We’re going to do this my way from now on.”
    “What we’ve been working on?” Jeff asked.
    “Total immersion,” Adam answered. “You know what to do.”
    “T OTAL IMMERSION?” S USAN repeated as the blindfold slid toward her eyes. “Is that the surprise you mentioned earlier?”
    “It is,” Adam answered.
    She reached up to guide the blindfold, and her fingers rested against Adam’s. So Adam had planned something special.
    Anything would be better than Jeff’s idea of couples’ therapy. She’d wanted to talk to Adam. She hadn’t planned on melting into a puddle of tears. Maybe she’d had some kind of emotional bottoming out as the drug wore off. She’d managed to embarrass the hell out of herself without accomplishing anything. So now she’d let Adam take control. She’d show she trusted him and that trust could go both ways.
    “It’s a special treatment I devised,” he answered. “You’ll be the first to try it. Then I’ll teach it to the rest of the men.”
    “So I’m an experimental guinea pig?”
    “You’ll enjoy it. I promise.” He nipped at the tender spot at the base of her throat. “Although you might become a bit disoriented.”
    “That sounds dangerous.” It did. But how could she possibly turn down the prospect of immersing herself completely in the sensual here and now? “Will it curl my toes?”
    “Possibly,” he said. “We’ll be sure to get to every part of you.”
    “So Jeff will be playing, too?”
    “The experience wouldn’t be total without him,” Adam said. “You’ll need to surrender, not really to us but to the experience. Turn off your mind and let your body take over.”
    “I can do that.” No wonder he’d blindfolded her. If she could see, she’d never leave the visual world behind and let herself experience her other senses.
    “Good.” His hands settled on her hips. “Now let’s go into the bedroom.”
    Adam took her arm, but as they left the bathroom, she held up her free hand defensively anyway. Silly, really. He wouldn’t walk her into anything. Her toes dug into the plush carpet as they made their way across the bedroom. With her vision blocked, her other senses came alive. After a moment, a second pair of hands—Jeff’s—landed on her shoulders and pulled her against his body. Working her fingers between them, she ran her palms over his chest, savoring the softness of his skin and the firm muscles beneath. Both pairs of arms went around her. Not clutching her, but encircling her. She could reach and touch both of them, a collarbone here, an abdomen there. She could even slide her hands down to find two erect cocks.
    She knew which was which, of course. Adam had guided her in here, after all, and she’d lived with him. Tonight, she’d sucked on Jeff’s erection. Still, twined together like this, they might have all merged into one being.
    Music sounded from all around them. The slow, seductive notes of a tenor sax. There had to be speakers in all the corners of the room, above them and at floor level. Talk about surround sound.
    A drummer and keyboard joined the sax. A Hammond B3, no doubt. She swayed in rhythm with the music, as she always did. Adam knew how much she loved to dance and must have selected the blues as one of the treats he’d mentioned earlier. He followed her movements, and, wonder of wonders, so did Jeff, as if they’d been partners forever.
    What a sensual delight. Three bodies nearly wrapped around each other. They touched everywhere, her breasts rubbing against a chest while a stiff penis pressed against her butt. Swaying and dipping. Two pairs of hands guiding her and caressing her. After the soft pop of a bottle or tube opening, the air filled with the scent of roses. It perfumed the air around them so she could no longer detect Adam’s cologne. Suddenly, the hands on her body became slick as they

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