Total War Rome: Destroy Carthage

Total War Rome: Destroy Carthage by David Gibbins Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Total War Rome: Destroy Carthage by David Gibbins Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Gibbins
experience of past wars, but each new one is unique. The world is not static. If you choose to look forward, and do so aggressively, and you learn all of the lessons that you have been taught in the academy, then you may change history. History is not laid out for us like some ever-rolling rug. You may weave your own thread in it, or you may twist the rug sideways, and send it tumbling down the steps into the unknown. That’s my lesson for today. We end with a final thought from each of you, as usual. Ennius?’
    â€˜Keep your word. Only then will cities surrender to you.’
    â€˜Good. Scipio?’
    â€˜In a new province, define your borders,’ Scipio said. ‘Otherwise war is inevitable.’
    Polybius nodded. ‘When Carthage was allowed to keep some of her territory in Africa after the Battle of Zama, the borders were ill defined. It was a recipe for war. Lucius?’
    â€˜Exploit superstition. If your army feels they have divine guidance, then encourage them to believe it.’
    â€˜Punish savagely those you have conquered who are not yet obedient, to inspire fear and terror.’
    â€˜Zeus above,’ Polybius murmured. ‘That sounds like something from Sparta.’
    â€˜My father taught it to me,’ Brutus said, his massive forearms folded over his chest. ‘He said there would be more to the academy than swordplay, and that I should be ready with some ideas.’
    â€˜Maybe you’d better stick to your strengths,’ Polybius muttered. ‘Fabius?’
    Fabius was discomfited. ‘I’m only here as Scipio’s servant, Polybius. I will never lead an army.’
    â€˜You may not lead an army, but men like you will be the backbone of the army. What do you say?’
    Fabius thought for a moment. ‘Cowardice must not go unpunished.’
    Polybius nodded slowly, and then smiled. ‘All right. That’s enough gravitas for today. Hippolyta’s offered to teach you how to use a Scythian bow. See you all in the arena in half an hour.’
    Scipio said, standing up and stretching, ‘Twenty minutes’ rest before the centurion arrives. Drink some water and eat some fruit. You’ll need it if we’re going out on to the arena.’
    Polybius pointed at the diorama. ‘If Julia had been here, she could have told us more. Her father Sextus Julius Caesar was at Zama as a junior tribune. She knows the battle like the back of her hand.’
    Scipio looked around, suddenly missing her. ‘Has anyone seen Julia?’
    â€˜She’s not coming today,’ one of the others said. ‘She’s accompanying her mother to the Temple of the Vestal Virgins for some kind of ceremony.’
    â€˜Let’s just hope the Virgins don’t take her,’ someone else sniggered. ‘That would deprive us of some fun. That is, if Scipio will let us have it.’
    â€˜Shut it, Lucius,’ Polybius said tiredly. ‘Or Scipio will have his friend Brutus here hack off your manhood.’
    Fabius saw Scipio clasp the amulet around his neck that he knew Julia had given him, an ancient Etruscan device of an eagle passed down through her gens, and then look down in annoyance. He knew that Scipio hated himself for showing his feelings for Julia. He saw Metellus staring at Scipio, questioningly, and he suddenly remembered. Metellus had been away in Macedonia for almost two years, so would have no idea of Scipio’s affection for Julia. Scipio shook his head dismissively, as if Julia was of no consequence to him, and then stood square and folded his arms over his chest, nodding at the diorama. ‘I’m expecting all of you to memorize the entire order of battle, down to the last maniple and rag-tag auxiliary unit. You can spend the next twenty minutes doing that instead. When the centurion returns, he’ll test you on it. Get one thing wrong, and you know what will happen. I can assure you that the

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