
Toxic by Alice Lingard Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Toxic by Alice Lingard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Lingard
    “It isn't funny!” Suzy said, and then burst into laughter.
    “Perhaps they'd had the same idea,” Todd said in a whisper.
    “Give over.”
    The couple sat a few tables down on the opposite side. Every time Suzy looked up, they seemed to be staring at her. Why couldn't she learn to control her big mouth?
    Two hours into the journey; Todd was fast asleep. Suzy couldn't get to sleep—every time she tried, an image of the two of them naked on the table kept flashing across her mind. Damn him for being so bloody hot. The old woman was still staring at her, but this time she smiled. Could she read Suzy's mind—she hoped not. Suzy managed a weak smile back. She'd managed to buy a phone charger—or at least Todd had bought it for her—on the station. She had six unread text messages: Lacey, Lacey, Lacey, Lacey, Lacey and 'number not known'. Suzy clicked on the last message.
    This is Carol (Todd's sister). Lacey gave me your number. I know you are with Todd, and that he has told you not to tell us where you/he are, but it's vital you do. I now know what happened in Spain. Todd is in danger, and so are you while you're with him. I/Raw can help. Please contact us as soon as you can.
    Lacey's messages all said pretty much the same thing.
    “What you looking at?” Todd said—still only half a wake.
    “Nothing.” Suzy slid the phone in her pocket.

Chapter 8
    The train was delayed for thirty minutes with signalling problems. By the time they arrived at Leumoor, they were both knackered. It was another twenty minutes before they managed to find a cab.
    The house was located on a single-track road that ran parallel to the beach. It was the only building for as far as the eye could see.
    “You weren't kidding when you said it was remote,” Suzy said.
     The last houses they'd seen had been in the small village which they'd passed through en-route.
    “We're going to need a car,” Todd said, as he made his way up the short path.
    “I hope it has water and electricity.” Suzy said, as she checked her phone. “There's no network up here.”
    Todd lifted one of the plant pots which were near to the door. There was nothing underneath. He tried the next one. “Bingo!” He held up a key.
    Suzy followed Todd inside. The first thing she did was to try the light switch. “Yes!”
    At least they had electricity.
    The interior was surprisingly modern and well kept.
    “What on earth possessed your friend's parents to buy somewhere as remote as this?”
    “More money than sense. His father collects houses like most people collect stamps.”
    “No they don't.” Suzy said.
    “Don't what?”
    “Collect stamps. You said most people collect stamps. I don't know anyone who does. Do you?”
    “No but—. Why do you have to be so obtuse?”
    “Obtuse? Now you've swallowed a dictionary.”
    “If you're not careful, I'll make you sleep on the beach.”
    “Who'd keep Big Todd company then?” Suzy smiled.
    “Hmm. I hadn't thought of that.”
    “Is there any food?” Suzy pushed past Todd. “Fridge is empty.” She tried each of the cupboards in turn. “They're all empty. Great.”
    “There was a shop in the village.” Todd collapsed onto the sofa. “Why don't you fetch some provisions?”
    “Why don't you kiss my arse?”
    “Later maybe. Right now, I'm hungry.”
    He only just managed to duck out of the way of the bar of soap which Suzy threw at him.
    “Are you sure there's no food at all?”
    “Nothing. Go check for yourself.”
    “Let's walk along the beach,” Suzy said, as they headed back to the village.
    “I'll get sand in my shoes.”
    “Can you hear yourself? You sound just like a big girl's blouse.”
    “What did you call me?”
    “A BIG GIRL'S—” She screamed, turned, and began to run as Todd chased after her.
    “No, please. I was only joking,” she screamed, as he lifted her off her feet. “What are you doing?” She thumped his

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