Tracing Hearts

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Book: Tracing Hearts by Kate Squires Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Squires
defending some kid. My black eye was SO worth his bloody nose…
    Dear Sebastian,
    I made honor roll…again! My mom and dad are so proud…
    Dear Julia,
    I loved your senior pictures. You look beautiful, as always…
    Dear Sebastian,
    I’m so sad. I have no date for Prom. :,( I wish you were here…
    Dear Julia,
    Please don’t cry. If I could, you know I’d be there. I’ll be with you in spirit…
    Dear Sebastian,
    My mom is really sick. They say it’s cancer. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to lose her. I can’t stop crying. I wish you were here to tell me everything was going to be all right. The doctors say it’s stage four. That’s not good. What if she dies? What’ll I do? This isn’t fair! I’ve only had her for eighteen years. It’s not enough time. My dad says she probably won’t make it to graduation. I feel like my world is ending...
    Dear Julia,
    I’m so sorry this has happened to you and your family. You have no idea how much it’s killing me to not be there for you. I feel helpless reading about your pain and knowing I’m so damned far away. If I were there, I’d hold you and let you cry on my shoulder. I’d whisper into your hair and tell you I’m here and that it’ll be okay. I’d kiss the top of your head and gently wrap my arms around you. Please don’t cry…
    My fist pounds thunderously onto the surface of my desk as I slam it down in frustration. “This is bullshit!” I shout, furious at the powers that be, for allowing Julia’s mom to get cancer. In one motion, I clear my desk of all papers and objects. I watch angrily, as my calculator bounces onto the ground, and the paperwork floats aimlessly to the floor. My jaw is clenched tightly, as are my fists, and my nostrils flare. I need to hit something. Before I know it, my fist is embedded into the wall beside my bed. I pull my hand back and see blood dripping from my knuckles. Soon, I hear the door open behind me and see my dad walk through it. Shit. The last thing I need is a lecture.
    “Son. What’s going on?”
    Still gritting my teeth, I shake my head. Dad looks at me, then the hole, then back at me.
    “You’ve cut yourself. Come into the bathroom and get it cleaned up. You don’t want it to get infected.”
    He holds open the door expectantly and, after a brief moment, I exit my room. He follows me inside the bathroom, then grabs the first aid kit, removing the antibiotic cream, gauze, and tape. I sit on the toilet lid. He’s being so calm. I’m surprised he’s not taking my head off about the new hole in the wall. After washing, drying, and applying the cream, he begins to wrap it.
    “You want to talk about it?” I shake my head. “Well, I’m here if you need me.” He looks up from the task at hand, and our eyes meet. “Is it Julia?” I hesitate, then nod. “She’s got a boyfriend?” I look up, a disturbed expression on my face. “Okay, well if it’s not that, then...”
    I sigh.
    “Her mom is dying.”
    He stops wrapping and looks at me again, a somber expression on his face.
    “Oh,” he says, and continues bandaging my hand. “And you’re angry that you can’t be there with her?”
    I nod and take in a deep breath, exhaling loudly.
    “I feel helpless. She’s going through hell, and I’m—”
    “Here,” he finishes my sentence. I nod, grimacing at the reality. Dad puts his hand on my shoulder. “Listen. I know your mother and I have made decisions that greatly affected your life. I’m not naïve to the fact that you’d rather be back home with your friends. But, this is the path and the career I’ve chosen. It’s not for everyone, but I’ve found something I love.” He pauses. “…And it looks like you have too.” I look up swiftly after his last sentence. “I know you care about Julia.” I nod again. “Why don’t you take a week or so; go to her.” My eyes widen. What did he just say? “Your mom and I will pay for you to fly back home. Go

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