Tremble in the Dark: A Gwen Farris Novel
but in a decently muscular way. He was also a telepath,
if that was the same as in her hallucination, she didn't think about anything
in particular however, since that would just confuse him.
have some training that you can help with. Training me to fly, shoot energy
blasts and use precognitive abilities, I have a whole program that I have to
restart and it makes Beth sad. Pain devices and all that, but I also want to
put together an improved program for unarmed combat instruction. You'd be a
good test subject for it. It will hurt, but probably not as much as most of your
training." It was an idea at least. These people badly needed to learn how
to fight after all. The concept was really pretty primitive here, but if the
situation came up, being able to fight with only bare hands could be a
lifesaver. They all relied heavily on weapons and magic. Take that away and
most of them weren't very competent at all. Not in the Western Kingdom at
boy straightened a bit and actually looked marginally pleased.
can ask. I can also eat that snack for you, if you want. Do I just go to the
Winslow, the butler, to take you."
she and Beth ran, the other woman not even asking her about the scene at all.
That was due to time pressure no doubt. The lead colored spheres both had names
on them. Addresses really. Aubry and Park Street. A trip there and back, in the
blink of an eye. She hit the easily depressed pad on the top of the right one,
and was simply there, then took three big steps forward without waiting at all.
Beth would come into the grassy lawn at the exact same space, which meant
getting clear, unless she wanted something very bad to happen.
had said that, but never described the actual effects. It was probably death
though. That just made sense. If it were just a few bruises, and a person dropping
on top of you, then it would have been spelled out. Without stopping she walked
straight to the front porch. It was still light outside and a lot warmer now
than the last time she'd been there, but still not hot. The Duchy of Aubry was
pretty much Maine and part of Canada, with some of the other states thrown in
for good measure. Without waiting, Gwen pounded on the door, her knock a good
bit less than friendly sounding. She was in a hurry after all.
butler was a new man, probably hired on after the old Duke had died. That had
been an unfortunate event that involved him committing suicide rather
forcefully, by biting his own tongue and drowning in the blood. Unfortunately
she'd been kicking him at the time, so it looked a lot like she'd murdered the man.
Christophe had been told that it wasn't the case, and had been at the
event, but she didn't have it in her to blame him if he couldn't keep that part
straight. He hadn't said anything about it, but what was there to say really? I
don't blame you for kicking my dad to death?
man in the door, who was about thirty and rather skinny, but well dressed
looked at her, and seemed puzzled rather than displeased.
I help you?"
nearly froze then, since her only idea had been to get there. The rest was
supposed to magically take care of itself, wasn't it? That was the rule, but no
words came for a second, until she remembered why they were really there.
right. I'd like to talk to Christophe, and Bethany here needs to be shown to
where Lisa Wendell is, as quickly as possible. Don't warn her that Miss
Westmorland is coming. It's a surprise."
man's expression deepened, making him seem very, very baffled, but he didn't
say anything to indicate it. Instead he simply looked at her and nodded once, very
Duke receives guests at invitation only. Perhaps if I gave you a Telestator
contact card you could arrange something?" He said it in a pretty friendly
way, clearly not wanting to insult her, which was very nice of him.
just didn't have time for that, and was about to break his right leg at the
knee with a kick,

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