Trickle Up Poverty

Trickle Up Poverty by Michael Savage Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Trickle Up Poverty by Michael Savage Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Savage
Tags: Non-Fiction, Business
    Bailout and Stimulus Plans are illegal.
    Reduce Personal Income Taxes a must.
    Reduce Business Income Taxes is mandatory.
    Intrusive Government Stopped.
    English only is required.
    Traditional Family Values are encouraged.
    Common Sense Constitutional Conservative Self-Governance is our mode of operation.
    And, yes, we are a Christian Nation!
    Are you beginning to get the picture? These are the kinds of themes we must be talking about in our town halls, on talk radio, and in our meeting places on the Internet. And, without question, these are the core principles we must adhere to when we step inside the voting booth. For far too long, America has had a bumper crop of idiots and traitors running the show.
    Is Healthcare Reform Really Reparations by Another Name?
    For years, Marxist huckster Louis Farrakhan has been pushing for reparations for slavery. He won’t rest until the government makes amends for what he views as the irreversible and lasting damage done to the African-American community. Nothing will satisfy him until Washington ponies up with some sort of an acceptable apology—and piles of cash. The fact of the matter is that slavery ended in the United States something like 140 years ago and there isn’t a white American living today who ever owned a slave. This means nothing to him.
    In his twisted view, there’s no statute of limitations on such matters. In fact, he believes innocent people should suffer. Speaking to a small gathering on the tenth anniversary of the Million Man March, Farrakhan said:
    We want more than an apology for slavery. We want more than a monument. We want America to acknowledge her wickedness to the indigenous people of this hemisphere; acknowledge the wickedness of slavery and the trans-Atlantic slave trade; acknowledge what you did in robbing our fathers of their names, their language, their culture, their religion.38
    Farrakhan was panhandling for reparations then and he’s still calling for it today. At a speech in February, 2010, Farrakhan said President Obama had to do more on behalf of the black community to improve their lot in life. Directing his words to the president, this Obamanic said, “Your people are suffering … put some money on back of us.”39 Farrakhan then blasted the “white right” who he believes is conspiring to ensure President Obama doesn’t serve more than one term. What’s does this have to do with reparations?
    You’ll have to follow the bouncing ball on this.
    Healthcare reform is one of Obama’s top agenda items. We all know the reform Team Obama is promoting is nothing short of socialized medicine with loads of freebies for illegal aliens and ostensibly for those who aren’t able to afford coverage. That’s where Farrakhan comes in. He views the healthcare bill as one way Obama can do his part to ease the plight of black America. It’s a giant entitlement in his view. So, in the end, Obama is a stealth enactor-enforcer of the reparations package Farrakhan seeks.
    Real People, Really Angry
    The other night after a long day on the radio talking about Obama’s assaults on the middle class, I had had enough. My mind couldn’t take it anymore. I mean, you can only take so much of the insanity. Your heart just breaks watching working families become poorer in spite of their best efforts to get ahead. After supper, I figured I’d watch some TV to unwind. I love watching nature shows. Always have. That probably goes back to my research into exotic plants years ago.
    So I’m sitting with Teddy, the dog, on my lap watching the Science Channel when the cameraman suddenly took a dive, plunging us six thousand feet below the ocean surface. Next thing I know I’m looking at sea creatures I never knew existed. Teddy was probably looking at the fish swimming around dreaming about dinner. Me? I marveled at God’s incredible handiwork buried like hidden treasure deep within the water.
    The announcer was going on about this fish and that mollusk

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