True Ghost Stories: Real Accounts of Death and Dying, Grief and Bereavement, Soulmates and Heaven, Near Death Experiences, and Other Paranormal Mysteries (The Supernatural Book Series: Volume 3)

True Ghost Stories: Real Accounts of Death and Dying, Grief and Bereavement, Soulmates and Heaven, Near Death Experiences, and Other Paranormal Mysteries (The Supernatural Book Series: Volume 3) by Rosemary Breen Read Free Book Online

Book: True Ghost Stories: Real Accounts of Death and Dying, Grief and Bereavement, Soulmates and Heaven, Near Death Experiences, and Other Paranormal Mysteries (The Supernatural Book Series: Volume 3) by Rosemary Breen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosemary Breen
sure it was covered up properly, before I came to bed. I looked in towards her room from the sofa where I was sitting and saw the ghost of an old man walking from one side of the room toward the other. It was moving towards the outer wall of the room.
With or Without You
The next day I went to work and asked an older co-worker who grew up in the area, if she knew who lived in that house before.
She said when she was younger and dating and they used to drive by that house and there was an old man always sitting on the front porch, in a rocking chair. This left me wondering if that was who I saw.
My husband had previously told me before I had this ghost sighting (other strange things had happened in the house like TV channels changing, and lights going off and on) that if there was a ghost in this house he would leave. A few nights later we were laying in bed and talking about my ghost sighting when we started to hear a huge square electrical plug being slid out of the wall, as it was being pulled out of the electrical socket.
It took several seconds; we heard it slide several times; then we heard it thump on the floor, right beside the bed we were laying in.
Within a day or two, I came home from work to find my husband with a borrowed truck, moving our furniture out. He told me he was leaving with or without me. He said he was taking the baby with him; that left me no choice but to move with him.
After seeing the ghost of this old man, I had personal confirmation that our spirits must live on after we die.
Same Time, Same Place
My mom, Dad and I all smell cigarette smoke at three different times of each day. I smell smoke and alcohol at 3:15 a.m. every day/night. No one in my family smokes in our house, or drinks much alcohol.
Same Sound, No One There
About 5 years ago my wife and I started hearing noises in the house. One morning in particular, about 4am we both were startled awake when apparently the kitchen/hall door slammed shut, twice.
I went to see about the noise; the door was shut and our two cats were on the counter tops with wide-eyed expressions.
I opened and shut the door hard. It was the same noise we had just heard.
After a search of the house, when all the doors were found to be locked I return to the bedroom and was about to get back into bed. I heard something like a window sliding shut behind me. I turned; it was barely light, and saw nothing. I went to the window and it was locked shut. I reached out to the sliding glass closet door and moved it. That was the same sound we had just heard. There was no one else in the room.
A Lot of Activity
I lived in an apartment with my husband and children for four years and the last year I experienced a lot of activity. I heard footsteps, voices, saw shadows, lights turned off and on, and I saw a small girl standing on the stairs. My daughter also experienced these and would not go upstairs to her room alone.
Who Hangs Around the Parking Lot?
I started work about 4 am; I parked my car in a well-lit parking lot. As I was pulling in, I saw a very bright figure suspended near the edge of the lot.
When I parked my car this figure brushed beside my car and floated in front of me for a brief second, then disappeared.
I had a very strong feeling that this thing knew me. It freaked me out, but not in a panicking way.
Why Hate?
I woke up while watching TV and a dark skinned Indian woman was standing in front of me, wearing a burlap bag dress. She had hate in her eyes and as I blinked a couple of times she faded from view.
A Wedding Gown Perhaps?
This is in a different house and a different country than the one I noted before.
I was on the bed and I looked up to see a blond woman dressed in a white gown standing in the doorway.
My wife and children had previously reported seeing this woman, but this was

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