Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance

Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance by Harmony Raines Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance by Harmony Raines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harmony Raines
Tags: General Fiction
and she followed him in.

    “Hey guys,” he said, looking quickly around the room to see who was there.
    The usual crowd. Five of his most trusted brothers, all of them in charge of some part of the businesses run by the Dread Cult. Mike and Ron controlled most of their legitimate ventures, some dot com companies and stocks and shares. He smiled, who would have thought it, a motorcycle gang dealing with technology. However, it had become their best asset over the last few years.
    Carl, and his second in command, Steve, took care of the shadier deals, guns for the most part now they had dropped the drugs. It was not an easy side to the business, and gave them the biggest headache, paying off the law, and anyone else who needed to keep their mouths shut.
    Lastly, he saw his cousin Crag, VP of the Dread Cult, and his most trusted advisor. The man who took care of everything that needed doing. Also, the person he had sent to find out anything he could about the Castaway’s plan. He would speak to him privately later, it was the only part of tonight he wanted to keep from Faith.
    By the looks the others gave him, he knew they were not happy with him bringing Faith to the meeting. But they would have to deal with it, the talk would be mainly superficial, no details, so unless she had a wire, and he was certain she hadn’t, he felt it safe for her to sit in. If he was going to convince Faith that his intentions towards her were not flaky, that he really wanted her, then this was the best way.
    Although the look on her face told him she was as uncomfortable about the whole thing as his brothers were.
    “We wondered if you were coming tonight,” Crag said.
    “I had to get Faith. Planning a little R&R after business is over.”
    Pete grinned, and looked Faith up and down, mentally undressing her. More than a bit disrespectful, but he allowed it, hoping Faith would see he wasn’t the only one who would bend her over the table and fuck her. “I bet she’s mighty sweet,” he said, licking his lips. “Perhaps when you’ve finished with her you could send her my way.”
    “I am not intending to finish with her for quite a while, Pete.”
    “We could always share,” Crag said, nudging Pete. “I remember those days.”
    “That’s because it was only last week,” Pete answered.
    Faith looked embarrassed; he might have to give her something to do. Like kneeling in front of him and giving him a blow job while they talked. No, he didn’t think she was ready for that, not just yet.
    “Come and sit on my lap, pretty,” said Crag, patting his thighs.
    Faith looked confused, and moved closer to Snake. She had not spoken a word, and seemed to have completely zoned out. Oh well, she had better get used to it. And if nothing else he had proved a very valuable point to her. He was not ashamed of her, and any of his men would willingly take her. Although remembering some of the women they had had, that was not necessarily a compliment.

Chapter Five
    Faith had never been in the presence of men quite like this. They were rough, sitting around drinking whiskey, clad in denim and the vests all the Dread Cult wore. She began to see how the tattoo made her part of this, it was a brand, in the same way the vests were. If you wore the Club’s colours, you abided by the rules.
    The Dread Cult were more a family than a motorcycle club. The history of their members went back a good way, entwined together. These men knew each other, really knew each other. They lived in each other’s pockets, understood each other more than she had ever felt understood by her own family.
    It appealed to her, to be part of something like this, and as she watched them talking she wondered if this had been the thing that had attracted Rob and Stan to the biker lifestyle. Neither of them had known what it was to be part of a complete family. Although she doubted it was all plain sailing when they had too much alcohol inside them. All families had

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